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"Isn't it weird, everyone's now gonna know that we're together and I'm not even gonna be with your group." Dianne said as her and Joe walked into school together. They didn't normally come together but Dianne's parents had dropped her off at Joes that morning before they headed to work.
"It is, but it's gonna be nice. We don't have to hide it." Joe said, he had his arm wrapped over her shoulder. When they got into school, everyone was looking at them as everyone found out last night from Joes picture on Instagram.

"Oi! You two!" They heard someone shout from behind them, they both turned around and Joes whole friend group were walking over to them. "When were you gonna tell us?" Caspar asked, getting a bit excited.
"We've told you." Joe said still having his arm around Dianne, she was looking around trying to find either Stacey or Ashley.
"Di! Over here!" Dianne heard an American accent shout, she turned around and saw Ashley having just walked in.
"I'll be off, see you later Joey." Dianne said as she gave him a hug and then went over to Ashley and followed her to where the rest of her new friend group were.
"Wait whys she gone? Have you not made up yet Toff?" Byron asked, Toff shook her head.
"No basically, Dis gonna join that friendship group instead. She's just gonna be with them instead of us lot." Joe told everyone.
"What why?" Evie asked.
"She just felt more comfortable with them, and it's nothing against anyone. We all forget that she's only been here around 3 months, she's still getting to know everyone." Joe explained to them, he didn't want them getting annoyed with Dianne, it's the last thing she needs.
"I mean if that's what she wants. How are you feeling about that? She's your girlfriend." Ambar said, the whole group were happy that they were together, they had expected it to happen.
"I want what's best for her obviously, and being with that group is. It's not like she's not friends with you guys anymore, she loves you all to bits but she's just gonna hang out with them more." Joe told them. "Anyways should we go to form?" He said as he heard the bell go, everyone nodded and they headed to form.

"Why you doing this? There's no need!" Toff said as she sat down next to Dianne in form.
"What do you mean?" Dianne asked her, she didn't understand why Toff was suddenly really angry.
"Just leave us! After everything we've done for you. You were meant to be my best friend and then you just buggered off. It's not fair Dianne, you used us to get to Joe and now that you've got him you've left." Toff said, it was really loud in form so no one else could hear.
"I promise you that's not what happened. I've not used anyone to get to Joe, me and Joe got together in our own way, and I think even if I didn't start in your friend group, I reckon we still would have got together. I'm sorry you feel like that. I really am, and I do appreciate everything you all did for me." Dianne said, she wanted to stay calm and not give Toff the reaction she was wanting.
"Oh just shut up Dianne. You know, I think I understand why Kay and Becca bully you." Toff shouted, Dianne moved back. She couldn't believe what Toff had just said, she put her hand straight up.
"Yes Dianne. Are you okay?" Her form tutor asked.
"Please can I go to the toilet." She asked quietly, Joe looking up when he heard her voice crack.
"Of course, just wait outside a second first thought Dianne. I need a little chat." Miss Adams said, they both got up and walked out of the classroom.

"Are you okay? You don't seem yourself." Miss Adams asked.
"Yeah." Dianne said quietly.
"I know something is going on between you and Georgia, but you look really upset. Are you sure your okay?" She asked again, since Dianne has started her form tutor has had a soft spot for her and she didn't like seeing her upset.
"I'm fine." Dianne said, but this time her voice breaking and the tears starting. "Sorry"
"Don't apologise. Do you want me to get Joe?" She asked, all the teachers had found out about Joe and Dianne being together due to everyone talking about it. Dianne nodded.
"Joe, can I borrow you a second." She asked through the door, Joe got up and walked outside.
"Oh Dot, come here." Joe said as he pulled her into a hug. "Hey it's okay, just breathe, you'll be okay." He told her as he rubbed her back.
"Sorry, I'm fine now." Dianne said once she had stopped crying. "Can we go back in?"
"Are you sure Dianne, if you want to stay out here and talk to either myself or Joe you can." Miss Adams said, slightly worried about the redheads sudden change.
"Yeah I'm fine. Just over reacting a bit." Dianne said.
"Are you sure? You know it's best to talk." Joe said to her as he rubbed her back.
"I'm fine. I'll talk when I'm ready and when I need to. But I'm good." Dianne said, Joe and the form tutor looked at each other and shook their heads knowing that it wasn't best for Dianne to ignore the fact that she had been crying yet they let her go back in.
"Joe, quickly." Miss Adams said before Joe walked back in. "I'm gonna email her teachers she has today just so they can look out on her."
"Yeah that's probably best, I'm not too sure what's up with her, she was happy this morning." He let her know.
"Very random, try not to worry about her, she'll be fine. She can look after herself."  The form tutor said and then the pair headed back into the classroom.

By lunch time, Dianne was back to her perky self. She had gotten a bit worried at break when she saw Toff talking to Becca and Kay but she had decided to think nothing of it and carry on talking to Lauren as they were waiting for the others to get back.
"Hey Dot." Dianne heard as she was sat eating her lunch, she turned around as Joe wrapped his arms around her. "Just thought I'd come check that you were okay." He said.
"Yeah I'm good now. Thanks for checking but don't worry, I'm all good." Dianne said.
"Good, I'll be off, I'll see you in art." He said giving her a hug and then walking off to his friends.
"That's cute. I wish Kev was at this school." Stacey said.
"Yeah, can you imagine Kevin being here. He's already like a big brother to me." Dianne said laughing.
"Wait how do you know Kevin?" Lauren asked.
"I dance with him. At SSS." Dianne told them.
"Oh right, that's the strictly one right?" Dianne nodded. "Wow, that's amazing. I know your a professional but i didn't know how good you were but if your their you must be amazing." Faye said.
"It's meant to be really hard to get into from what I've heard. I was scouted so didn't have to go through the whole audition process." Dianne told them.
"That's amazing. We're you scouted from the tour?" Stacey asked.
"Tour?" Lauren said, having not heard about Dianne being on tour.
"Yeah I toured the world last year on a dance tour called burn the floor. Yeah I was scouted from BTF for SSS." Dianne told them, they were now her friends, she felt comfortable telling them about her dance life.
"That's incredible." Faye said.

When two paths cross Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ