Chapter 4

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"It's gonna be fine, Fireheart." Rowan whispered into her ear, as they sat down on the bench to watch Lyria and Jax. He could smell the fear and stress on her. Feel how frightened she was.
" What if something happens?" Aelin said, looking at her husband's pine green eyes. His eyes so familiar, so comforting, "What if I die? What if you die? What would she do? She is so young. So, very young. She... she can't even stay without us for 2 days. I... what if we made the wrong decision with entering this war? It was hard for me to get over my parents death and I was 17. What will she do?" Aelin asked. She was frightened. They have been together for 8 years and Rowan never seen Aelin so frightened, even when she learned there was no chance her parents will survive the disease they had, she wasn't this scared, "That will not happen," he said, gently stroking her hair. "You and I," he stopped to plant a small kiss on her shoulder, "We have at least a thousand more years to spend with each other and our children. This isn't over, not before we say so." He said and a small smile appeared on his mate's face. His hand went to her invisible belly, which would probably be swollen in at most a month. "It's gonna be another girl."
"No, no it won't. You'll see, it'll definitely be a boy this time." She said, her smile slowly getting wider and wider, "That's what you said last time." He said, and planted another kiss, this time on her neck. She hummed, leaning into his touch, "You know there are kids around, right?" Someone asked behind them. Manon. Aelin pulled away from her mate's kiss and looked at Manon, who had a smirk on her face, "Oh, don't look so innocent. I haven't lost my ability to smell." Manon rolled her eyes, and then sat down on the bench right behind them, Dorian coming and sitting with her a little while later. They sat and watched their kids play for a moment, saving it to their memories. This moment, where the kids of the kingdoms, who used to be each other's worse enemies play with each other. No fear or judgement. Aelin always admired that. The fact that children didn't judged or hurt anyone. Maybe actually they were the ones who had a lot to learn from them
After sitting down and watching the kids play for half an hour or so, Aelin went to do her daily work. Reading her daily mail and answering them, sending some mails herself and such.
After she was done with everything, she went straight to her and Rowan's bedroom to change before dinner, as it was 5.30 already. She picked out a blood red dress and matching heels. Then brushed her hair and put on a pair of Dimond earrings.
She was just about to pick her neckless when Rowan walked into her dressing room. He smiled as he walked next to her, a smile on his face, "You look gorgeous." He said, as he pulled her closer to himself, "I know, you are so lucky to have me." She said, as Rowan kissed her neck and then her collarbone and then her lips, "We're gonna be late." Aelin whispered as Rowan moved his hands on her stomach, slowly moving up, "So? It never bothered us before."
"But Dorian and Manon are here, you buzzard, we can't be late today." She said as Rowan pulled his hands back and placed a kiss on top of his head. Aelin picked out a beautiful ruby neckless and Rowan put it on. And then they left their room to go to dinner.
When they reached the dining hall, Gavriel, Aedion, Lysandra and Fenrys were already seated, waiting for them. However Manon and Dorian weren't there yet. So they sat down and started waiting for them, Now I regret not agreeing to be just a little bit late. Aelin said with the bond. Rowan just smirked at her, oh princess the thing I'll do to you when we go back to our room...
Aelin grinned at him and then leaned back on her chair, closing her eyes for a minute. It has been a very long and tiring day. It took 20 more minutes for Dorian and Manon to finally arrive. They made their apologies, telling them they got lost in the castle and sat down.
With that, the servants began bringing the food. But Aelin didn't felt hungry. She had a bite or two and pur her fork down. Aedion looked at her, "Are you ok?"
"Yea, I'm fine. Just not that hungry." She said and smiled. Aedion frowned, "What do you mean I'm not hungry? I knew you your whole life, Aelin, and I never heard that from you."
"I said I'm fine, Aedion. It was a very long day and I don't feel like eating anything that's it." She said, a little too aggressively. "Ok, then." Aedion murmured. Turning back to his meal. There was a silence for a moment,
"Congrats on the alliance." Gavriel said, while cutting into his pice if meat
"Thank you." Dorian and Aelin said at the same time, "This will benefit both of our continents, hopefully." Aelin said, Dorian nodding afterwards.
"Congrats on the baby." Manon murmured.
"Thanks." Aelin said, not realising she said it until Aedion looked at her, his eyes wide, "You're pregnant!?" He pretty much yelled, "Oops." Manon said, a smirk on her face,
"Yes, I am." Aelin said, looking frustratedly at her, "Why haven't you told us?" Aedion asked, his voice sounded sad, not frustrated. She gave him a slight smile, "Was just waiting for the right time."
"You guys... you seriously deserve an award in bad timing."
"Thank you very much for the support, Aedion, like we don't have enough stress over us and I don't knows that!" Aelin snapped, "Like I don't know that we are in the middle of a war! Like I don't know what future this baby will have or even if they will have one! So shut the hell up and eat your Godsdamn food!" Aelin said, and Aedion went quite for once and continued eating his food. No one talked another word rest of the dinner, didn't even dared to look Aelin at the eye accept Rowan, who's eyes still seemed calm and reassuring.
A: How do you manage to keep this calm
R: Years of practice
Rowan smiled at his wife, his Queen, his mate. He was not calm, his emotions didn't even went near to that word. But he had to keep it cool, for her. Aelin always have been strong, she always would be, but not at these kinds of things. Not when it came to their children and their future. So he just kept smiling at her, not letting her know, that he had no idea what was waiting for them.

Hey guys!!! Thank you for reading my au! And I'm writing this at 11 pm so please be kind. I just saw we had 20 views on the chapter before this so I know it isn't that good! But still hope u enjoy it ly'all 💕💕

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