Chapter 14

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Thursday 19th March 1964

Air Force One

Jackie was at her desk writing a letter to Elizabeth II congratulating her on the birth of Prince Edward. “Kid.” Jack smiled wrapping his arms around her.

She giggled. “What are you doing?”

“Just being nice.”

She turned round and looked at him. “You’re nervous.”

He sat down on the bed. “How do you know that?”

“I’m your wife, I know everything.”

He laughed. “I’m only nervous because you’re going to shock everyone as you can walk.”

She smiled and took his hands. “This will be a good trip Jack, you and Khrushchev will work things out.”

He sighed. “I hope so.”



When Air Force One touched down in the cold Moscow air the crowd was huge. Jack stood up and took Jackie’s hand. “You look ravishing in that suit.”

Jackie smiled and ran a hand down her purple and blue tweed suit. “Thank you.” She was wearing her hair down with a matching pillbox.

“Jack, can I hold your hand?” Jackie asked softly.

“Of course.”

As they walked off the plane they saw Soviets waving little Soviet and American flags. Jackie smiled as she walked carefully down the steps. The Khrushchev’s stood stunned at the First Lady.

“Mr. President.” Khrushchev said shaking his hand. “Mr. Chairman.” Jack replied smiling. The two women had exchanged smiles but they hadn’t spoken since Vienna nearly three years ago.

The Kennedy’s Room, Moscow


“Today was great.” Jackie said as she slowly sat down on the bed. She’d used her wheelchair a little today; she got stiff and tired easily. Jack sat down beside her and put his arm around her. “You can sleep late tomorrow; I have a meeting first thing.”

She smiled. “Thanks.”

He kissed her. “Get some sleep.”

Tomorrow would be a long day.

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