chapter one - janis sarkisian

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"it's not my fault you're like in love with me or something!"

"you are a mean girl! you're a bitch!"

"janis is a space dyke!"

"at least she has the guts to not pretend to be my friend!"

"you dirty little liar."

"and the thing is, my friend cady turned out to be just as fake and phony as regina george."

i remember it all too well.

3:17 A.M.

janis rolled over and grabbed her phone which was blaring her ringtone at her, which also happened to be ross gellar from friends yelling "MY FAJITA'S!!"
it definitely wasn't the most pleasant way to wake up but she knew who exactly was calling. cady.

"hello?" she murmured still half asleep, not really sure if it actually came out of her mouth, but cady replied back so it obviously did.

"jan?" she said softly as janis started to become more self aware of her surroundings and what was going on.
"yeah? what's up, caddy?" janis said quietly, trying not to wake up her dog who was silently sleeping on the end of her bed, letting out soft puffs every now and then.

"it happened again." she heard cady say, as her voice broke a little. janis knew what she was talking about and that made her heart ache. for the past two weeks cady has been having on and off nightmares. she just knows that for the past three days now, she's woken up somewhere between two and four a.m. to cady calling her, worrying. she won't tell janis what is exactly going on in the nightmares, but janis wouldn't have been surprised if it was her falling off of an elephant or something.

"hey, it's okay. just breathe, alright? remember those breathing exercises i told you? do those. you're gonna be okay, caddy." janis said slipping out of her bed. she opened my blinds a little to see that it was still pitch black outside. janis tiptoed over to my desk and opened up her laptop. "you still there, cady?" she asked her as she typed in her password.

"yeah. yeah, i think so." she said into her phone. her soft voice filled janis' ears and it was such a beautiful sound. the two had been dating for almost five months now, and it makes janis ecstatic. sometimes she forgets cady is actually her girlfriend and she still thinks that she's still that clueless girl she met in the bathroom almost a year ago.

"i'm sorry for bothering you so early." she whimpered, her voice breaking again.

"hey, no. caddy, it's alright. don't apologize, you can't help it." janis said softly back to her as she scrolled through twitter trying to find the tweet that reminded her of cady. it said something about soulmates and she desperately wanted to show it to cady, but she had completely forgot about it and now she couldn't find it at all.

"but i can, if only regina hadn't gotten hit by the bus last year i wouldn't be thinking of it as you being the one being-" cady said, but immediately pausing. this was the first time cady admitted to janis what her dreams were about. 'it was about me getting hit by the bus.' janis thought. she let out a small sigh, and closed her laptop.

"cady, regina getting hit by a bus isn't anybody's fault, okay? it was a wrong place, wrong time situation. don't blame yourself for it." janis said to her as she walked back over to her bed and slowly got into it trying not to wake sadie. sadie was janis' two year old jack russel terrier. she was basically her therapy dog, but the only thing was that she didn't come everywhere with her. that's what damian is for. "cady, please don't beat yourself up over this. she's okay! regina's been out of the hospital for months and she's back to her boss self. she's okay, baby." janis told her as she heard her sniffle a little and then let out a sigh.

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