chapter eight - cady heron / janis sarkisian

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cady heron

cady listened to what janis had to say for what felt like hours. it started with the small things and what she felt like she already knew, but the more janis talked, the heavier her baggage seemed to get. janis had told cady that she didn't want to get her involved because she didn't want to scare her away with all of her issues, and cady promised that she wouldn't ever scare her away.

cady could tell that janis was trying to stay strong for her. she told her all kinds of things. janis told her how she got those scars on her arms, all about her mom, how she felt about regina in middle school, and what happened after that situation in seventh grade. she told her about everything.

"i'll see you tomorrow, okay?" janis said as cady wrapped her arms around her waist, her girlfriend hugging her back tightly.

"okay, and i'll probably call you later." cady replied, pulling away from janis. she looked up at her girlfriend, who smiled down at her. she almost wanted to tell her that she loved her, but she didn't know if it was too soon. she knew janis had said it to her once but it was an in the moment type of thing. cady knew she loved janis, but she wanted the timing to be right. she knew janis over thought a lot of things, so she didn't want her to think that she was saying it out of pity.

cady and janis said their goodbyes as her dad pulled up to janis's drive way. they hugged one last time before cady left, and next thing she knew she was watching janis' house fade as she got further away.

"you really like janis, don't you?" her dad asked her as they drove down the street that led to her neighborhood.

"yeah. yeah, i really do." cady said with a smile on her face. they pulled into her driveway and got out of the car. "i'm gonna go work on some homework, let me know when dinner is ready." she told her dad who nodded and gave her a thumbs up. she smiled back at him, but it seemed forced.

she took off her shoes, feeling her chest get heavy. she blinked a few times, thinking it would go away but it didn't. she felt all the emotions she had bottled up while talking to janis start to bubble up inside of her as she made her way to the staircase. she stopped halfway up the stairs, because she felt dizzy. she quickly made her way upstairs and into her room, slowly shutting the door behind her. cady quickly pulled out her phone, trying to find damian's number. she quickly hit the call button, her emotions about to flow out of her eyes in water form.

"caddy, hey! i heard you talked with janis, i think that's-"

"i didn't know she was in so much pain, damian." cady cried, hot tears racing down her cheeks. "i tried to stay strong for her but i can't, i don't know how. i just want-"

"cady, listen to me. give me ten minutes, probably less and i'll be over at your house, okay?" damian said through the phone. cady could hear shuffling around and keys jingling in the back, along with his car starting.

"wait, you don't have to come, i'm sorry." cady said quickly, wiping her tears off her face with the back of her hand.

"girl, don't apologize. i'm coming, and you can't stop me."


damian didn't lie, he was at her house in under five minutes. when cady heard the doorbell ring, she went to get up to go open it but next thing she knew she heard his voice outside of the door of her room.

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