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this is inspired by a one shot I read the other day – I forget what book I read it in though. Full credit for the story line to that writer!!


You look down at the screen as tears blur your vision. Yes you got it Rika was back, the woman who they thought was dead had returned. You understood the excitement so you ignored the fact you had been neglected by them – you ignored the pain in your chest as they chatted excitedly about the next party that you haven't received an invite for yet.

You hadn't moved out of rikas apartment yet, she was living with V so said you can stay there for as long as you needed. She came round some days to grab documents, Ironically she seemed to be the only one who cared for you. When she came round she always brought bags of groceries with her and always made sure she cooked a meal for us to share – a small sign of her wanting friendship.

Today was no different, as she entered the apartment You looked up surprised. She smiles at you sadly before walking over and handing you your invitation for the RFA party – you look down at it. It wasn't the invited we send out to the members.. but the invited we send out the guests. you nod slightly as tears threaten to spill

"im not feeling well today.. please.. just get what you need and leave"

Your actions seemed to startle the female, a small sad smile over her lips as she leans over to put a comforting touch on your shoulder., you shy away from her touch as a silent tear falls down your cheeks. The female exits the apartment as you fall to the floor.

The RFA didn't need you anymore.

They had Rika now – you had just been a replacement.

You hug your legs as you sob – sob for all you had lost. After a while you calm down and pick up the invite – it was for 3 days time. You stand and make a choice, In 3 days you would say goodbye to the RFA for good, in 3 days you would leave the struggles behind.

Standing you make a phone call the Rika, you make up some false excuse about wanting to make the speech at the party she excitedly agrees before you both hand up. Lying on the bed more tears spill from your eyes.

.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. Day of the Party .-.-.-..-.

you look around the room as You hold the microphone in your hands, sweat piling at your palms. All the RFA are looking up at you especially as the guest all seem to be smiling

"Welcome everyone to the 4th RFA part. I hope you are all enjoying yourselves? I apologies in advance for this speech and for talking about myself –

Purposely avoiding the gaze of the RFA your eyes run scan the crowd of guests, they all look up like a puppy waiting for treats.

- As of today I am announcing my position at the RFA. I am also saying goodbye.. goodbye to all of you. Thank you for making these few years enjoyable.. please enjoy the party.. for me"

you drop the microphone and run of the stage and out of the room, you can hear your name being called many times as I make it to your destination. Standing at the edge of the rooftop you turn as many pairs of footsteps can be heard – turning you're met with the gaze of all the RFA members. There gaze fixed on where Your stood.. panic in there moments

"step closer and ill step backwards"

Your voice is calm, it will all be over soon.

"Next time.. Treat everyone the same.. I loved all of you"

With the parting sentence You step backwards as you feel myself falling from the building – a smile on your lips. The RFA run to the edge and look over, all desperately shouting for the female as if it would bring her back .. all sobbing. Why hadn't they noticed sooner?

In the background Rika smirked, her plan had worked. 

mystic messenger one shotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum