V x Reader

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REQUEST. This was originaly request to be 707 but the requestie said I can do it for V as I felt he fit better for the story line I wrote ^^

(T/N) - Your twins name


The noises of the thunder echoes round the apartment, the terrified girl is curled up in the pantry, hugging her legs tight as the noises of the storm echoes through the house.

(Y/N) is a member of the RFA, a charity organisation set up by Rika, who until recently was thought to be dead. She hadn't had an easy life up to meeting the RFA, her father was a war hero who's life was lost in the battle field. Loosing her beloved her mother went crazy, taking out her grief on the twin daughter that reminded her so much of the man she loved. Abuse, name calling and abandonment..  that was all (Y/N) remembered off her mother.. but she also remember the day her mother turned a gun on the set of frightened twins killing (T/N) without a thought, it's a miracle (Y/N) survived.

A bang of thunder echoes through the apartment as the frightened female closes her eyes tight, the doctors say she has PTSD symptoms however when they question if she's ever had a dramatic experience with a gun she always panics. She knows she has PTSD because of what happened to (T/N), and only she knows. Her boyfriend V knows a bit of her past but she can never bring herself to tell him how her sister passed,which unsurprisingly he accepts  After all he's kept secrets in the past.

As the storm worsens so does the females state, her (S/C) face is drenched in tears. Her (H/C) hair is messy from her pulling at it in a panic and her (E/C) eyes are swollen and red. She can hear her phone ringing a constant tune from a room outside but she's too scared to open the pantry door and answer it, the pantry is safe to her.

Burrying her head into her legs she starts to hum to herself, a panicked hum that is often cut off by her sobs but a hum non-the less. What she would give to her her partners mint hair or to just hear his calming voice but he's away at the moment- she's alone in there shared home frightened of every little noise.

As she thinks the storms starting to quiet down a bang can be heard above the apartment, a bang so loud it blocks the noise of the keys in the front door and the sound of it being opened and closed.

The males eyes scan the apartment he's in looking for traces of the female he so desperately wants to see. He's art show ended earlier than what was expected meaning he could come home early to surprise his beloved. Concern growns in his veins as he walks from room to room, the female no where in sight.

Sighing I'm defeat he walks to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, assuming she's out visiting one of the RFA members. As he reaches the kitchen a loud boom echos the house, and a loud cry from the pantry makes his drop the glass and rush over.

Opening the door he's met with the sight that made his heart drop the the floor at the moment, the female his heart is addicted to curried up tightly, shivering. Her (S/C) hands covered in obvious scars from the female anxiously pulling and picking at the skin, the (H/C) hair a mess of tangles and wet from the tears that fall from her eyes.

Walking over slowly he crouched next to the female, she seems to have no idea he's there her distress pushing back her other senses. Placing an arm on her shoulder he feels the female jump away from his grip and look at him with her dreamy (E/C) eyes, the fear and panic in her body causing the male to start to worry.

Moving forward he places a hand on the females shoulder again, this time she doesn't shy away instead her eyes study the man in front of her.


Her voice barely a whisper, the pain on the memorys haunting her head lacing the sound with pain. The male nods slightly before pulling the female into a tight hug. The pantry is really too small for him to be sat in, his lean structure making it uncomftable to be in small spaces for a long period of time.

Keeping the female tight to his chest he slowly backs out the pantry, standing while supporting the female his long legs take them to the living room In a matter of seconds.

The thunder has calmed now, the loud clasps becoming distant and the rain slowing. Relief fills the females mind as she cuddles up the the man she loves- he's home. She feels his body hit the sofa and looks up timidly her fearful (E/C) eyes meeting his caring mint ones.

Slowly she pulls away from the male, taking a seat next to him. She grabs his hand in hers to help keep her calm as the thunder still echos on.. although rather quietly.

'Do you remember I told you about (T/N)?'

The question startles the male, the females past has always been a sensitive issue.. he stays away from mentioning it for her sake however she brought it up first. He nods slowly as his eyes study the females face.

'So.. you probably remember that I said she's no longer here-

Her voice breaks as a single tear runs down her cheek, the male quickly wipes it away with his few hand causing the female to let out a small but genuine smile.

- (T/N).. and me where the only children of my mother and father. My mother was a bright happy teacher and my father fought bravely in wars - he was a war hero until his last day -

The male swallows the saliva in his mouth, her father was a war hero. He has heard this term before but only when talking about people who had passed on a battle ground.

- he died in a war when me and (T/N) where 10 years old.. this caused my mother to be filled with grief. She took her emotions out of me and (T/N).. my most prominent memorys are of her hurting us-

A sob escapes the females lips and the male pulls her into his lap. He has no clue where this story is going however he knows that right now all he can do is offer her comfort.

- when were were 14 it got worse though..  mother.. She shot (T/N). She killed her.'

The males arms tightened around the female as she sobs again, the weather outside had cleared up but it felt like a storm had just opened up in the small apartment they stayed in. He hums quietly.. whispers to her.. stokes her back anything to get her to calm down.

After nearly an hour of pure comfort from the male he feels the females body relax, looking down he notices her eyes fluttering shut as sleep encaves her. A small sad smile plays on the males lips as he holds the woman he loves close to him as he unlocks his phone.

'V, is saeyoung. I know your out the country right now but please try to contact (Y/N). No one has heard from her sense the storm started and I know she has a fear of them'

The male chuckles quietly as he places his phone down. Thinking to himself he says

"Thank you saeyoung.. I'm with her now.. and I'll never let her feel pain like that again"

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