Chapter 8

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         Marinette wandered about the mannequin in the seamstress studio pondering over her work. Chat Noir lounged on a nearby table admiring her as she worked. Mari felt herself grow self-conscious as he did so. If she hadn't known any better, he was starting to have feelings for her. Though, as complicated as it made her heart feel, she was starting to see the glimmer of a flame grow in her heart for Paris's superhero. Though she would never admit it. He was her partner, not her romantic interest.

"What do you think?" She asked trying to move her thoughts in a different direction.

"I think it's beautiful. The seams are well done for this particular pattern, which I happen to know as quite a difficult pattern."

"What do you know about fashion?" Mari asked playfully her heart fluttering as the words came off her tongue. Chat Noir slid off the table to his feet. His movements were loose and whimsical as he approached her. It reminded her of Demetri from Fox's telling of Anastasia. Wrong fairytale indeed. It could have also been chalked up to Chat acting as his usual self, but who was she to judge? Excluding the fact, she knew him best.

"More than you realize Princess. I still have a secret identity after all." He bowed toward her in his usual Chat Noir fashion.

"Am I to find out this secret identity by knowing this information?" She replied with a tease. What just came out of her mouth!? A smirk spread across her partner's face as he straightened up before stepping into her space. She should've remembered that Chat Noir was flirtatious, and it only escalated when someone returned it back to him.

"As if I would tell you." His response was slick as he pulled her towards him. They were inches apart and all Mari could bring herself to do was look away. He was good looking, and he knew it. In all honesty, if Adrien wasn't the boy her heart longed for, she would have totally sought after the boy in the black leather. However, that wasn't what was bothering her in this moment.

"Chat?" Her voice caught as she turned and stepped away from him, his hand dropping from her waist with ease.

"Yes?" His voice was soft like hers. The concern within it obvious.

"Last night when you said that of all the people you couldn't share your identity with, you especially couldn't share it with me, what did you mean by that?" When he had originally said it, she felt as though she had been shot through the heart. Of course, for reasons he didn't know. As his partner, Ladybug, she thought that he would have a strong respect for her. If she had ever asked to know his identity, she knew he wouldn't hesitate to do so. It wasn't his fault for not trusting her as Marinette, but it hurt nonetheless. Chat Noir shifted his eyes away in thought, Mari could only assume in searching for a way to formulate his next sentence.

"I don't know if this will give me away, but I know you in my civilian form. If you ever found out my identity, I don't know how you'd treat me and to be honest, I don't want it to destroy the relationship we already have." His words ate at her emotions. She knew him in his civilian life? How many times had she crossed paths with her partner and not known it!?

"Chat..." She reached her hand up to his cheek, but before she could place it there, he gentle wrapped his fingers around her wrist and stepped away.

"I know that sounds silly..."

"No, it doesn't." Mari understood well what he was getting at. Even if she could, she didn't think that she would reveal herself to her friends for the same reason. "Let's put that fashion knowledge to good use. Help me pick an accent color." Marinette hoped that the change of topic would lighten the mood. For the most part it seemed to have worked as the boy turned his solid green eyes toward her curiously.

"Okay....but I.....uh..."Chat seemed to be lost for words as his eyes darted around the room. "I doubt my opinion will mean anything. I've never done this before."

"What?" Marinette was surprised. Chat clearly indicated earlier that he had a large arsenal of fashion knowledge. So, why was he suddenly so shy?

"Sure, I know my way around the industry, but I've never actually put a garment together." That made a little more sense. Who did she know in civilian life that knew their way around fashion? The only person she could think of was Adrien, but how could that be? The young men were worlds apart in personality, there was no way they were the same guy.

"Well, then how about I help you with your first one." Mari took her partner's hand and pulled him toward the mannequin before throwing a large piece of fabric over his arm. For the rest of the afternoon, Marinette and Chat Noir worked in the studio. By evening, they were nowhere near finished with the gown. However, the enchanted furniture had spent most of the day cleaning the castle for the most iconic scene of Beauty and the Beast, all while completing a montage to change the winter snow into the spring grass. The ballroom dance was next. After Chat Noir and Marinette went their separate ways before dinner, Marinette made her way to her room to get ready. To think that in a few moments that she would get to wear the iconic yellow dress that every little girl dreamed of wearing was a bit nerving yet exciting.

"How should I do my hair Tikki!?" Marinette spun about the room imagining the dress flare out around her.

"Well, someone is excited." Tikki replied as she hopped toward the girl.

"Well of course! What girl doesn't dream of dancing in a big ballroom in a pretty dress?'

"You're sure that it's not Chat Noir you're excited to see tonight."

"No!" Was Tikki attempting to call her out!? Marinette was just excited to participate in the ballroom scene of Beauty and the Beast. It had nothing to do with her partner. At least that was what she was trying to convince herself of.

"I would disagree Marinette." Tikki seemed to truly believe that this was all connected to Chat Noir. Granted, she had just spent most of the day with him and her feelings toward him had skyrocketed in multiple different directions. Mari leaned over the vanity to peer into the mirror. She began to fidget with her hair looking for the perfect style. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Tikki's blurry wardrobe form watching her.

"Tikki." Tikki only smiled at Marinette as they dropped the subject. "While I try to figure out my hair, will you pull out the yellow ballgown? It should be there." Mari said returning back to her hair.

"I think I have something better." Tikki replied opening one of her doors and pulling out a red dress. Marinette twisted around in a flash to take in the sight. It was the yellow dress style wise, but it was red. The neckline and sleeves were black and so was decorative banner around the skirt. "This is more Marinette."

"You mean Ladybug."

"It's all the same." Tikki brushed off the dress as she held It out toward the miraculous holder. The dress was gorgeous, and Mari knew that Chat would love it. The only problem she saw with the dress, was the accidental revealing of her identity. The gown fit like a glove to Marinette's figure. The color suiting her just like her superhero costume. Before putting on the matching red gloves, Marinette finally decided on what to do with her hair. In an homage to the fairytale, Marinette put her hair into a half ponytail and then rolled that half into a bun. Tying it off with a red ribbon. They were in Beauty and the Beast after all. Why not just enjoy life in the tale for once in the past few days they had been there? Let loose all the stress that had been building to get to the happily ever after and defeat the akuma. Just enjoy the moment, and that's what Marinette did as she walked down the hallway to the staircase where she would meet Chat Noir for their long-awaited evening.

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