Jimin said he didn't have time to cook tonight so he brought delicious takeout from the family friend's restaurant Jungkook knows best for nachos. He has been coming over with a container of hot meal or a cup of coffee every day this week, since Jungkook hasn't been able to visit as he is on a tight studying schedule for his final exams. He wants to do well and keep his grades up, and he is aware that he slacked off during the term due to mascot activities. Now that things have calmed down (and there is only one week left anywho!) he is buried in the books like a hermit.

By now he has noticed the big care-taker Jimin is. How could he not hesitate to stop by even if it's for an hour every night just to check on Jungkook, make sure he is eating well ('cuz Jungkook doesn't eat well generally, let alone on the finals), give him little massages and kisses, and even hide cheer-up notes around the house... Jungkook wants to shower him with equal amount of love, because Jimin is the type of guy to invest all of himself, give, give and give without questioning if he is receiving the same amount. Jungkook has to be the one to notice and not exploit, to be equally committed, because once Jimin confessed to him about loving him, he has really poured his 100% on being that amazing partner.

Jungkook was hoping to live for Jimin this one spare week after the finals and literally devote himself to his happiness before he returned to Seoul, but... the family trip came out of nowhere. Tickets are bought, everything is set. Jungkook didn't wanna throw a fit because he heard of how much effort his parents have put into planning it as well, but his heart is breaking. He is forced to leave when he doesn't want to.

It's just... sigh, he doesn't wanna think about it now.

Tonight they are having some smoked salmon and risotto in Jungkook's dining table. Jimin is struggling with a hot piece of fish in his mouth. He twists in his seat and fans at his mouth, making Jungkook laugh when their eyes meet.

He is so fucking cute.

"This won't do," Jungkook grabs Jimin's plate and places it next to his own, ignoring Jimin's questions on what he is doing and instead cutting a piece of salmon with his fork, then bringing it to his lips and blowing on it. "Here you go," he holds the fork to Jimin's mouth.

The pink-haired man looks between the piece of meat and Jungkook, cheeks blooming as he slowly smiles and opens his mouth to accept the bite. 

"That's how you eat steaming fish without getting hurt, kay?" Jungkook looks at him sweetly, pausing mid-air as Jimin is about taking it back. "Kay, baby?"

If Jimin wasn't blushing openly early, now he is definitely burning in pinks. He swallows his mouthful hardly, unable to stop grinning even though he escapes Jungkook's eyes and nods. "How was your day? Did the interview go well?"

Jungkook snickers, letting him change the topic anyways. He'll keep wooing his boyfriend subtly while he blushes beautifully like that. He is feeling taker-charger today for some reason. It might be because the responsibility of bringing up the subject is weighing on his shoulders, something he is not willing to think about until he has no option but bringing it up.

"It was great! The host of university's radio channel is my classmate Dokyeom. Have I told you about him?"

Jimin thinks, a lightbulb flashing atop his head. "Study buddy?"

Jungkook nods, smiling. "You got it."

"That's so cool, though! You personally know a radio host."

Jungkook's head falls to the side, somewhat lost in the beautiful features of his boyfriend's face. He is missing him a lot today, even though he is sitting right in front of his eyes. Jimin came starving from his tutoring job, and Jungkook didn't get enough hugs and kisses before they sat for dinner. That must be it. But then, he is always missing Jimin. Hm.

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