
"For all of you who didn't finish today's work, that is your homework. If you have, go over the passage and develop it. I'm sure you'll find something that needs improving," Professor Riddle sits behind his desk, still spinning his wand between his fingers.

He was one of those teachers who worked his students dry during lessons but didn't care much for homework.

Privately, Tom just wanted to weasel his way out of all the extra marking - earning the gratitude of his students was just compliments that came with it. Not that his appearance didn't dish that enough.

You couldn't help but think he's attractive. Nearly half of Hogwarts had a crush on Professor Riddle, even though, it was rumoured he had a girlfriend.

You knew your filthy fantasies and desires would never become a reality, and what was the harm if the guy never knew? Besides, you weren't like your peers, who practically threw themselves at him, at every possible moment.

It was a silly schoolgirl crush - something you'd look back at when you were older and laugh about.

Professor Riddle was the youngest professor at Hogwarts - only thirteen years senior to you. His eyes were an immaculate capture of rain on a stormy night, hair darker than Nyx herself. He had a sharp jaw, all his features sculpted by Gods.

His aesthetic was unorthodox, yet alluring and distinctive. Classroom 301 was dark, candlelit occasionally. Gory photographs were pictured along the walls - showing the transformation of a human under poly juice potion, a moving image of a woman being crucio'd, and other horrific things to startle his students.

Professor Riddle not only taught defence against dark arts but the very thing they were supposed to be afraid of. It was downright illegal, but nobody would dare to snitch.

Besides, in cruelty, there was twisted beauty. Beauty is terror. Whatever we call beautiful, we quiver before it, and you definitely quivered beneath him in all your filthy dreams.

"Class dismissed,2 Professor Riddle says lazily. He's lounging back in his seat; spreading paperwork across his oak desk. The bell rings through every classroom, and chairs scrape against the floor.

You can't help, but be the last out the door, Vivian waits patiently at the top of the steps.

"Miss Peters," Riddle says smoothly, looking between your best friend, who was urging you to hurry from the door. He steps out from behind his desk, crossing his muscular arms over his chest. "I have matters of work to discuss with Miss y/l/n, you should go off to lunch," Immediately, you tense, looking between Tom Riddle, Vivian, and your Mary Jane shoes.

"I don't mind waiting," Vivian Peters smiles.

Professor Riddle doesn't return her smile. "I wasn't offering," He says coldly, and she instantly receives the message. Vivian nods, looking toward you a final time before shutting the door behind her.

You know she'll wait for you in the corridor until she knows you're safe. It's what you loved about her, her constant worry for you.

But, now, it's just you and Riddle in the room. You can hardly bother thinking about Vivian, patiently waiting outside the door for you.

You don't make eye contact until you've slung your bag over your shoulder - already moving towards the door. Whatever conversation he has for you can wait.

Besides, you were still starving, after a rushed breakfast, and they had great snacks for offer - on a first come first serve basis.

"Miss y/l/n, a moment?" You cringe, turning towards him with a heavy sigh - his shoulders tilted against the wall. He looks so fucking hot, sleeves rolled and a hand in his pocket.

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