04|Muggle Pranks

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"What's this?" Sirius took the can of Coca-Cola and Peter opened his mouth to respond before he and Remus shared a mischievous look "It's a canned drink, it's very good!" Peter mused exited "How do I open it?" Sirius asked, examining the can.

"You-" Remus was interrupted as he raised his legs up from the floor in order to not be hit by the ever fighting Eloise and James "You shake it and then open it by pulling the little ring like thing on top."

"Shake it?"

"Yes, otherwise the flavours don't mix."

Sirius pondered for a moment before quickly shaking the can for 10 seconds "Is this enough?" Remus and Peter nodded and Sirius reached to open the can.

Dark coke spouted up from the can, splashing Sirius' face and hair entirely. In an attempt to get it away from him, Sirius threw it onto the floor, only for it to soak James and Eloise as well.

"How dare you mess with my fabulous hair?!" Sirius exclaimed, head whipping around to look at Peter and Remus, who in turn were laughing so hard their faces had turned red.

"What kind of Muggle weapon is that?" James fumed, cleaning his glasses so he could see his victims  "And why does it taste good?" Eloise licked her lips as she spoke.

"It's not a weapon. Just when you shake it, it gets everywhere," Remus laughed "And it's a drink. Coca-Cola."


It was a cold morning for the month of April when Eloise found her best friends sitting by the edge of the Black Lake, James was playing with that dammed snitch of his, while the other three were discussing.

"Good day gentlemen." Eloise sat down on the dewy grass and rubbed her hands as she looked around "Why are you late?" Peter asked, handing her a warm cup of tea "I got distracted, but that hardly matters." Sirius rolled his eyes at the seeming disinterest from his friends "Oi! Gits, this is important! Prongs if you don't stop playing with that snitch, I will shove up your arse."

James stuck out his tongue while flicking Sirius' forehead as he sat up "What are you crying about again?" James asked, leaning back on his arms "About the map! Our names have to be on there, or did you FORGET?!"

"Is Pads suffering from shagging withdrawal?" Eloise whispered into Remus' ear, making him laugh. Tea escaped his nose and he coughed "Moony, shut it." Sirius made a 'shut ur mouth' gesture. Peter quickly tapped Remus' back until he was able to breathe normally again.

"Alright let us pay attention to Pads before he blows up," Eloise mused, an entertained smile on her lips. Remus wiped the tea from his robes, his heart fluttering at how Eloise was smiling.

"We have to put our names on the map," Sirius hissed "Then let's do this order. Me, Wormy, Pads, Moony and then Foxy." James pulled his wand out to place the enchantment, but stopped as Eloise grabbed his wand.

"No, I have a better one. Since I did most of the drawings, we go me, Wormy, Moony, Prongsiekins and then Padfoot."

"What? Why am I last?"

Peter tapped his lip while thinking "Here I know, Foxtail, Moony, me, Padfoot and then Prongs." Remus frowned "Why that order?"

Foxtail's Tale | Remus Lupin [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora