"I thought you were going to kill me."

"I'm not a murderer!" She chuckled like she was unhinged.

Murderess, I corrected mentally.

"But I'm taking you to someone who will pay very well to see you both dead." She continued


"Yes, well how long do you intend to live to spend it?" I asked, smiling knowing fully well that 

Vlad will hunt her down like a dog...well bitch, anyway.

She smiled back then responded sadly "I have no need for the money. I would do it for free. The

money Nora can have...this is what I live for. My revenge!"

Though I was relieved about not getting killed immediately, I needed to know why. "So, what did

Vlad do to deserve your...revenge?"

"He was the reason my son was killed."

"So...he didn't actually kill anybody?" I said dryly.

"No, but his father did!"

My eyes narrowed. "But Mikhail is dead."

"Yes. Mikhail has already paid for his crimes and by the hand of his own heir no less!" She 


Confused, I corrected. "But Vlad didn't kill his father, Boris did!"

Kateya chuckled and asked "What does he see in you? You really are...slow. Are you that good in 


My jaw dropped, and not because of her insults but because a fuzzy memory about Vlad's fight 

with Boris surfaced and I was now able to understand Boris's words, he told Vlad he was his 

older brother.

"Vlad said his brother is dead," I mumbled numbly.

"He is now." She cackled.

"He probably thought Boris was lying or..."

"Are you making excuses for him?" She interrupted.

"No... but..."

"The Prince thinks he killed a bastard of his father. Not the true Alexandrovich heir." Kateya

smirked. "Maybe I should let him know before we kill you."

That would destroy Vlad. He grieved so much for his mother and brother and to find out he

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