Chapter 4

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{The image is that of my vision for Kateya}


"I am going to untie you and you are going to stay quiet, understand?" The big blond Viking

commanded in a stilted Russian accent.

I nodded once more, and he did as promised, while still sweaty and covered in blood and whatever

parts of Boris's grey matter. Up close I could see the ice blue colour of his eyes and had a stupid

girlish thought – they were really pretty!

It must have been the shock of being abducted, naked, cold, almost raped and an eye witness to a

gruesome murder kicking in, because I started to laugh. Not a simple little chuckle mind you, but full

on belly rolling laughter. My attractive murderer came to the same conclusion. "You're going into

shock." He murmured as he untied the last rope.

Having all my limbs free meant only one thing to me – freedom! - and with that thought, I took off

running. I tied the robe closed as I ran. Not even knowing what direction to go. I just ran. I listened for

foot steps behind me but there were none. Using the decrease in temperature to guide my way, I

made it to a kitchen. The people there screamed when they saw me head to the door like a

madwoman. I ran outside barefooted into the freezing snow. I slid on some ice but kept running.

Then I felt the reason I wasnt being chased. My limbs slowed as my body felt the dip in temperature

and my teeth started to chatter. I slowed to a walk as pins and needles shot up my legs. To make

matters worse, there were no buildings in the distance apart from the one I just ran from. All I could

see was snow upon snow.

A howling began in the distance, but I was quickly becoming too cold to care about any wild animals.

My body would be a popsicle by the time they got to it. The soft crunch of snow alerted me to

someone coming behind me, but I was too frozen to fight, far less run.

"You're still alive, thats one point for you. You didn't get very far though." The murderer pointed back

to the house.

I had barely made it 100 feet from the house!

"You're not Russian, how were you planning on leaving this place? On the feet you are quickly losing?"

I honestly tried to talk but it came out as an agonized groan as he causally picked me up and carried

me back to what I wondered as I finally got a look at the building I was in. It looked like a medieval

castle. I was literally going to be locked in a castle!

"I'll get you warmed up and well find something more appropriate for you to wear. You'll get some

rest then we'll talk." He said.

Was he going to send me home I wondered? He was talking as if he wasn't going to kill me. I felt a

small flame of hope grow at his words. Maybe he did come and rescue me. I felt ashamed for running

from him when he obviously didn't mean to hurt me. I relaxed in his arms, but he stiffened when I did,

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