He didn't wait for a reply but entered me with a growl. "Mine."

As he pounded me against the wall he chanted "Mine, you're fucking mine."

I found myself responding, "Yours Vlad, only yours."

It was over too soon for my liking and let him know by squeezing his limp cock and stirring it

back to life. "Oh, Kitten." He groaned and stripped us both and took me back to bed.

Morning wasn't the only thing that dawned on me the next day. I was suddenly jolted awake

with the realisation that no protection was used. My last shot was almost eight months ago. I 

foolishly never had another one after I left Vlad. Having sex with another man was never a 

priority, so I didn't think I'd need it.

I glanced to the empty space beside me and jumped out of bed. I ran through my morning

routine and went in search of Irena, but she too was already gone. Thinking to find Nora, I 

rushed into her room and cursed when I saw that she too was gone. I ran downstairs and was

greeted by Irena squealing in laughter as Vlad tossed her in the air.

"Don't do that!" I warned.

"Do what?" Vlad asked, pretending not to understand as he tossed her again. "Relax, she likes it."

"But you won't when she throws up in your mouth."

He stopped immediately, and Irena began fusing. He placed her in her highchair and Nora set

down her breakfast in front of her. Distracted she turned her focus on Nora who fed her.

"Vlad. Can you do that?" I asked nervously. "I need to speak to Nora for a bit."

Nothing with Vlad could ever be so simple. I should have remembered that after he said, "Of 


"Thank you," I said hastily then half-dragged Nora behind me to the office, shutting the door 

behind us.

"I think I know what you want." She began with a smirk.

"You do?"

Nora's grin widened. "Considering last night's activities...yes, but I can't get that now." She 

finished seriously.

I fretted a bit then suggested. "I'll make an excuse and you'll ...go get it ...wherever you get it," I 

ordered making vague gestures with my hands.

"I'll get dressed then." She said and fled upstairs.

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