Bad Dreams

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Luke's POV:

"Luke, we had the same dream."

"Bu- but how is that possible?" I start to say. I can see the fear in Julie's eyes, so I try to calm down.

"I don't know. What if it means something bad is going to happen? I already lost my Mom, I can't lose you too." She says with tears in her eyes. I walk over to her bed and sit down next to her, rubbing circles on her back, trying to calm her down.

"It's okay Jules, it's just a silly dream. It could mean nothing except that both of us are overthinking."

She gives me a small smile.

"Ya know, we both put up a strong guard, and it's hard to knock that down. We've opened up so much to each other over these past few months, so when we almost lost each other tonight, we both got worried. We could just be scared of being in a false sense of security, and I know we're both too scared to lose another person so important to us right now." I say.

And then she looks up at me with those big brown eyes, and that smile I can't resist. 

"Thank you Luke." She says softly.

"Hey, maybe since neither of us could sleep, we could just sit and talk for a little? Like you said, we've already opened up so much, why not open up just a little bit more?" She says, wiping away a few small tears. "Only if you want to thought, I get it if you want to go to bed and I know it's late I just wanted to talk to someone because so much has been happening recently and I-"

I cut her off from her rambling. "Julie. Slow down. Of course I'll sit and talk to you. I always want to spend time with you."

Oh shoot. Did I actually say that last part? Maybe she won't notice.

"Oh okay, thanks. Here come sit." She says, patting the spot next to her on her bed. I sit down and put my arm around her, pulling her in closer to me.

Julies POV:

He sits down next to me on the bed and instantly cuddles up to me. I'm still getting used to him being able to touch me. Everything about him was so warm and happy, and I could just stay wrapped up in his arms forever.

"So, whaddya wanna talk about?" He asks.

"I don't know. Everything? Nothing? There's so much to talk about." I answer.

"Okay then, how about we go back to before the after-life was so complicated?" I look at him confused.

"Let me tell you some stories about when the guys and I were alive." He explains.

And so he does, and we lay there for hours just laughing at anything and everything. It was nice having this time with him where we weren't writing songs, we were just being teenagers, not a care in the world. He's just gotten done telling me about how Reggie went on with the wrong band once, and didn't even notice until the set was completely over when he says something that makes me laugh even harder.

"Jules, I don't know how we ever survived without you."

"Thanks but technically you didn't." I say laughing.

"Well yeah but that's not what I mean."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"It's just, we've gotten so close over the last couple months, I don't know what I would ever do without you. I can't imagine making music, dealing with the guys, or even just (non)living without you." He says.

I look up into his green eyes, and he looks back into mine, and it feels like time just stops. We stay like that for a bit until he breaks the eye contact to look at my clock.

"Oh my gosh." He says standing up.

I look at the time and realize it's already 5am. 

"I should probably get back into the studio before the boys suspect anything" He chuckles.

"Yeah. Thanks for staying with me though. You're good company." I say giving him a soft smile.

"And so are you." He says while walking to my door. Right before he walks out, he stops, shoots me a smile, turns off the lights and says "Goodnight princess."

It's like I could feel myself melt into my bed, drifting away from all of the stress from the past couple months, and I was just me. Happy, excited, positive, me. That boy really brings out the best in me.

Sorry if this is cheesy lol I tried my best to make it realistic! But yeah that's chapter 3, I love writing this so I'll probably be publishing at least one per day, and I have a lot of ideas for future chapters, so lmk what y'all wanna see and when y'all want me to publish! :)

Whirlwind - Julie and the Phantoms Season 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora