Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The next day, after classes finished, I was ready to meet Kyle at the pond, but before I could sneak out of my dorm, Luke appeared at the door.

"What are you doing here?" I asked shakily.

"I need to talk to you." He said.

"I'm busy." I tried to shut the door on him but he stopped it.

"No. I won't let you see... Kyle." He made a face at "Kyle."

"Why do you think I'm going to see Kyle?" I asked, trying to hide my emotions of surprise by being nonchalant.

"Mary told me." He admitted.

I raised my eyebrows. "So?"

"So what?" He snapped.

"Just because Mary told you doesn't mean it's true." I said.

"Actually, it does." He entered my dorm, ignoring my attempts to stop him.

"Get out!" I shouted. He ignored me.

"Devon,-" He started.

"No!" I shouted, "Get out. I won't finish your stupid list. I don't even know how to use my stupid eyes to kill the stupid people on your stupid list!" I emphasized 'stupid' every time I said it.

"That wasn't the only reason I came here." Luke slurred. Suddenly, a bouquet of black roses appeared in his hands.

"No. Luke, leave." I repeated.

"Devon." He looked me right into my eyes.

"Get out." I repeated. And he sighed. He left the black roses on my dresser and exited the room.

Before I could close the door, he pleaded, "Please, don't go to the Lake."

And I shut the door in his face.


That night, I broke out of my dorm and ran barefooted to the pond. The water shimmered in the moonlight and the trees swayed lightly in the wind.

Out of the shadows, Kyle's voice whispered, "You came."

"Nothing could have stopped me, sorry I'm late." I whispered back, a smile forming on my lips.

The kois danced beneath the lily pads on the pond and Kyle took my hand. He led me to the water's edge and sat down.

I sat down beside him. I could see his eyes shining. Watching me. Studying me. His dark hair waved in the breeze.

"I'm glad you came," He repeated. His lips were so close to mine. I didn't move away.

"I almost thought you loved Luke. I saw you through your window," He admitted and pulled me closer.

"How do you know I don't?" I asked, half jokingly.

"Because if you did, you wouldn't let me do this." He pulled me forward by the waist and kissed me.

His fingers traced my back, then my arm, then moved then moved to caress my neck. His kisses were soft and his tongue traced mine perfectly.

I put my hands on Kyle's neck, trying to push him closer. He obeyed and kissed me harder.

I couldn't stop. It felt so amazing. This was the first kiss I had ever had. I could kiss Kyle forever.

Kyle stroked my hair with one hand and I finally opened my eyes. His were still closed. I saw something flicker between the trees. Kyle noticed my hesitation and pulled away.

I sat as stiff as a rock. Behind a tree I could see Luke. His face twisted in anger and sorrow. I watched as he turned away and ran back to the gates of Maplebranch. 

 In the morning, I found myself still at the lake, leaning against a tree. My head was on Kyle's shoulder and his on my head.

As I moved and groaned, he woke.

"What time is it?" I asked groggilly, beginning to remember what had happened the night before.

Kyle looked at his watch. "Oh crap, it's 8:04."

"Oh god, we gotta go." I stood and fixed my clothes.

As we ran back towards maplebranch, I remembered Luke's face as I kissed Kyle. It seemed so genuinely sad that I felt quite guilty.

I shook the thought aside. He was the devil. He was ruining my life. He was making me an assassin for him.

"Are you ok?" Kyle asked me.

My face felt hot, but I still replied, "Yeah."

Just before we could reach the dorms, the clouds darkened and a flash of lightning bolted less than a foot away from us. I jumped back and fell to the ground while Kyle took a few paces back.

In front of us, Luke was steaming.

"You piece of crap!" Luke started at Kyle, as if he were about to punch him- which he was.

"She loves me!" Kyle shouted angrilly. "Do you get it? It's the way it is! Now leave us alone." Kyle tried to help me up from the ground but Luke stepped in his way.

Angrilly, Luke turned to me. "Why did you go last night?!" He shouted. "I told you not to!"

"Why should I have listened to you!?" I shouted back, still on the ground.

"Because..." I could tell he had no reasons. "Well..." His face flushed red.

"See?" I said, "There are none."

"Well," Luke continued, "You still have to finish the list. I still have your mother. I can kill anyone I want. I'm the devil."

"Well, why haven't you killed me yet?" Kyle chellenged.

Luke's face boiled, but he ignored Kyle. "Finish it by the Lunar Eclipse. I added more names for you."

I sat there, speechless.

"Or else everyone you love will die." He snarled.

Kyle was about to tackle Luke, but before he could, Luke had vanished. Leaving me angry, sad, and angry again, sprawled on the dirt.

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