Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I pulled myself together that night by staring at the purple paper, trying to call my mom over and over again to beg her to take me back home. Back to my nearly normal life. But of course, there was no signal to be found and I had thrown my cell phone on the floor enough to have one end chip off.

In the end, I cried myself to sleep thinking, Why me? It was only my first day here and my life was already a disaster.


In the morning, I woke up to the sound of the alarm (Set by the faculty- impossible to snooze or turn off until you walked all the way to the light switches and flicked the 'alarm' switch) with guck in my eyes and an empty feeling in my stomach. It was 7:50. I looked groggily at me schedule. Breakfast was at 8:15. I hadn't even unpacked yet. My bags were in a pile at the front door.

I slowly threw some clothes on and then went to look in the mirror. I looked terrible. My eyes were red and my hair was all over the place. I fixed it up. I needed to look presentable on my first real day here.

I was about to head to breakfast, but something stopped me. Luke would be there. But, sadly, all the students must be at breakfast, lunch, and dinner in Maplebranch.

I reluctantly found myself at the dining hall. Mary had shown me here yesterday. There were plenty other students already in there. I spotted Mary and she gestured for me to come sit with her.

"What's up newbie?" She joked, "Did you finally get hungry?" She had a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon on her plate in front of her.

"Oh, yeah, it's mandatory, and you're 6 minutes late!" she scolded me. "Now go get some food. I think Kyle's on the pancake line." She said without even looking to see if Kyle was on the pancake line.

"What if I don't want pancakes?" I asked playfully. All though, I did want pancakes. I didn't happen to like greasy bacon very much.

"Oh, yes, honey, you do." She responded looking at me with a 'do you think I'm stupid' expression.

"Alright I'm gonna get them now." I grumbled. Was it that obvious to tell that I wanted pancakes?

I stood on the "pancake" line and waited as a lady passed me a plate with two pancakes on it. As I reached to take a packet of syrup from a basket, Another hand also reached for one.

It was Kyle.

Embarrassed, I took my hand away from the basket and looked up at him, "Sorry." We made eye contact and I avoided it.

"No problem." He said, calmly then passed me a pack. "Here you go."

"Thanks." I muttered, a small smile forming on my face. I looked up at him again and once more, we made eye contact.

He pulled away and went to sit at a table of boys. When I noticed one was looking at me. Luke.

I looked away and rushed back to Mary, where two other girls had gathered.

"Oh, finally. How was your little run-in with Kyle?" Mary asked, exasperated.

I ignored her and she continued, "Dev, this is Carrie." She gestured toward a girl with straight golden hair, "And this is Alex." She gestured toward the second girl with light blue eyes and hazel hair.

Then she leaned down and whispered in my ear. "C isn't as innocent as you think and A has a tendancy to pickpocket."

"Good to know." I whispered back. Mary looked over at Alex, who was stabbing at her bacon.

"Give it back." She ordered Alex.

"Ugh. Fine." Alex joked. She handed me 20 dollars. I checked my pockets where I had put the emergency money my mom had given me when I had left home. The money was gone.

"See?" Mary said, with a "I told you so" look on her face.

I laughed with her. Not so much that it was funny, just that I had nothing better to do.

I looked over at Kyle sefconsiously. He was eating his pancakes while talking happily to a boy next to him. I turned away so that it wouldn't look like I was staring.

I remembered his eyes. Dark blue, like the ocean at night. They made me smile at the thought of them. Then I remembered. Justine. I had killed her. Luke said it was because of my eyes. How was Kyle not dead?

I sighed in relief that he wasn't. Maybe I was avoiding who I had to kill like Luke said I could.

"Hellooo?" Mary snapped me out of my daydream. "Snap out of it. I told you to stop thinking about him!"

"How did you know that I was-?" I started. I wasn't even looking at Kyle. Well, not at THAT moment.

Mary's face reddened. "I- I... It was a lucky guess." She stammered.

"Aw c'mmon, Mary." Carrie joked, "Tell her."

Mary's face became even redder. "No! She's a newbie!"

"What am I not supposed to know?" I asked to anyone who would listen.

"Mary's a-" Carrie started and Alex giggled.

"Shutup!" Mary nearly tackled Carrie. Not even jokingly. She would have if Alex hadn't pushed her away. I could see why Mary was at this school.

"Whoa!" I shouted to Mary, who was again, attempting to tackle Carrie while Carrie screamed and stood from the table. "I don't need to know! Stop fighting!"

"We've got this." A voice came from behind me. It was Diane. Another older lady was beside her.

Togeather they pulled Mary away from the table and dragged her out of the caffeteria.

"What just happened?" I asked blankly.

"She does that sometimes," Alex said, as if it happened every day.

"But it wasn't even a big deal." I noted. "I didn't need to know."

"Oh, sweetie," Carrie pitied me, "Did you know this was a school for messed up people?"

"Yeah, Kinda." I admitted.

"Well, there you go." Carrie smiled at me, picked up her plate, and went to go dump the contents into the trash by the door.

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