2 days to find a Girlfriend

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Harry's POV:

I gritted my teeth in frustration, wishing I was somewhere else, just any place but here. Trying to think of a way out of this mess and miserably failing, I sighed.

"Alright.' I said, defeated. "How long do I have?"

Paul swallowed and looked a bit nervous, which was very strange behaviour for him.

"Two days." he whispered.

"Okay. I did not just here that, right? You said two months, or two years, or two-"

"It's two days." he said, straightening.

Oh my god. I put my face in my hands.

"Two days. Two days to find a girlfriend. You have got to be kidding me." I let loose a string of cuss words, wanting to punch a wall. Or a car. Or Paul. How could he think that this was a good idea?

"Listen. It wasn't my idea." Paul said, practically reading my thoughts. " 'Harry, all you have to do is find some hot girl, flirt, and bring her to the concert in three days. Then you can ditch her or break up with her' Quoted directly from Management."

I cracked a fake smile and considered it in my head.

"But wouldn't that be bad for publicity? It'll be all over the web: Harry Styles breaks up with girl after two days."

"We can let management figure that out."

"They've done enough already." I muttured darkly.

Paul shot me a exasperated glance and then left the room, leaving me standing there blankly.

Alright then. Two days to find a girlfriend. Hurray.


Willow's POV:

"I'll be back in an hour!" I called over my shoulder.

"Wait! Honey, you forgot sunscreen!"

"Mom, first of all, I'm not 10. Second of all, the sun's not out."

"But sweetie-"

"Bye Mom." I said loudly, sprinting down the steps, my feet thudding on the concrete. Once I was half way down the block, I slowed down. I studied the ground, seeing only the half-washed off chalk streaks. I didn't know what I was looking for, but I felt like someone was following me. I guess I was looking for a shadow.

Behind me, a tree rustled and I jumped, quickly spinning around. Of course, there was no one there. Shaking my head, trying to clear myself of thoughts of kidnappers and serial killers, I continued up the street, still a bit wary.

Finally, I reached the bus stop. After waiting for 5 minutes, the bus finally stopped. Gagging from the fumes, I climbed up the stairs o the crowded seats. The bus rattled around, and I spun to look behind me one last time. A flash of shadow. I could have imagined it. It could have been a bird. It could have even been leftover chalk marks.

It wasn't.


Super Super Sorry for the short chapter!

Love all of you marvelous readers!

Hope you enjoyed it, and again, reeeeeally sorry that it was so short and unexciting. I promise the next one will be better. Why don't you think of this chapter as an...intro. Those are always quite short, right?

Ingredients for next chappie:

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Over and Out,


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