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You were staring at the sky that is full of clouds, as the birds chirping as if they were trying to calm you and the beautiful scenery right before you. The World has grown, all the people appreciate the beauty of the Earth. But for you it wasn't after all you can see things that normal don't, Cursed Spirits.

You bowed your head as a couple of teachers passes by. You were attending a normal school despite having a special trait that even you doesn't know about it. All you do is to ignore those creatures, creatures that is made by the humans within their negative emotions.

You went straight back to your seat as you let out a sigh. It was a normal day as you hear a giggling voice that is trying to mess around. You act like you don't see that Cursed Spirit as it roams around the classroom. It was normal for you to see those things but you didn't care about it. Why? Because all you can do is to be scared.

As the bell rang a sign that is already lunch time. Everyone else started to pack their things. You... You don't have any friends to hang out with as you fix your things and went out of your classroom. Pity in their eyes as you passes by, you were known at the school not because you're beautiful but a nerd. As you hold the tray of your food firmly suddenly it flew away dropping your foods.

"Oh sorry I didn't see you."

Those one who saw it started to laugh while the other one were looking at you with pity in their eyes. You wanted to escape, escape with this cruel world you've been stepping. You wanted to commit suicide but you can't think about what will happen to your parents if you did. You wanted to stop those people who keeps stepping at your pride but you can't because you were scared.

She took off your eyeglass as she drop it and step on it. It was the fifth this month, you keep buying new one for them to break. You just started to clean the food as they left and leave the canteen without eating anything. If this world is wonderful why does it need to be cruel with you?

You were planning to skip classes as you hug your bag firmly while sitting on the floor of the rooftop. Peaceful yet it was help you but to wonder, why me? Why do I need to suffer like this?

A tear fell down to your cheeks as your vision were swallowed by the darkness slowly. The next thing you know you hear a loud thud, you opened your eyes widely and look for the source of sound. For not having a clear view because of your poor eyesight you just saw a young man jumping around, having a white hair and fair body.

"Excuse me? Who are you?"


You started to rub your nape out of curiosity, why the man speak an ingredients? You saw a black shadow thinking it was him you touched it. Having an abnormal body you started to sweat.


"I-I-I-I'm sorry!"

As you screamed waiting for an attack but it never happened. You stood up and looked around squishing your eyes to adjust with. You saw a Cursed Spirit that wasn't moving at all. As if it was statue even it's eyes won't move.

"What happened Inumaki?"

"Tuna Mayo."

They were just looking at you and the cursed spirit. As you took your hand it only took a few seconds as it moves again. Out of panic you touched it once again then it stopped once again.

"You can make them stop just by touching it!"

The girl with eyeglass exclaimed as the Panda one punched and eliminated the cursed spirit. You just lowered your head out of fear looking to a person in their eyes.

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