Chapter 14 The Data base

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     After the party Shepherd got straight to it! We went on Rannoch to save a very well named Captain. I didn't go in that one just Tail and Ashley did. (I forgot say Ashley joined us after the citadel attack sorry if that was confusing.)

     This was about the data base...Legion wanted Shepherd and I to go just us two. We agreed as we set off to this place of Rannoch.

    We touch the ground and made our way inside of this place which this was the real place I was curious about.
    We got the area where this tube thing sends us in. "Shepherd-commander we think it was best to let Y/n go in since she knows what's happening." Wait me?! "Me?" I questioned. "If that's what best Legion." Shepherd agreed. "Wait me? Uh okay if that's best I'll go."

    I carefully step into the tube and laid back and relax. "Relax Y/n this will be quick." The blinking and beeping worried me but soon I relax where I passed out.

     I woke up in the tube and saw the data looks like the game this amazing. I carefully step out and to follow these floating steps lead the way. "Just follow the path Y/n." "This is the data base?" I asked Legion. "This is where our memories are stored as you can call that."

    I got the blue light with these little cubes floating around it. "Just step in." Legion told me. I reach inside as it got brighter.

   I open my eyes to see a new area...with corrupted code. "What's this?" "It's corrupted code from the Reapers maybe." Legion comments. I had the weapon from the game so best to thing to do with a gun just shoot.

    I got the giant sphere with corruption code holding it. Let's free this. Clearing this bad coding it unlocks its memory card. Seeing when the first Geth was made. They made them. So why even start a war.

     After 2 more of these I had another one. Which I was at already. Clearing this code which got annoying because it regrow! This regrowing crap was what made me mad. After finally finishing this I was heaving! "Y/n should avoid becoming angry with codes. It lowers health problems." "Very funny Legion." I clear this code and saw when Shepherd and I woke him up. "Legion is that me?" "Yes it is." Playing through when we first active him. That was sweet.
"Keep mo-moving f-forward data being-" legion cut off as I look up quiet worried. "Legion?" "Hello!" I'm on my own for now.

    This got longer...somehow it did. Never been this long. I've been in here for an hour now.
    I got to last thing here this sphere here. Which may be different since the last one shows Shepherd and legion.

    I saw Legion hologram as he coding this in. "Almost complete but you can watch this until then." He unlocks this sphere for me as it plays when we first became friends. Time he came into my room in the last game. "You remember this?" I asked. "This was the first that human kindness was shown to Geth along with Shepherd." "Y/n this is my favorite part." Legion told me.

" "Because Legion all Geth aren't bad...and hopefully if we play our cards right their will be peace for the Quarians and the Geth...I've seen the answer and it is possible." He again raises his metal plates over his eye? Uh light thingy? "You believe this?" "I do...because I did it in and we won this war." I said in complete honesty. "We will respect Y/n Blaze wishes." I breathe in relief and shook my head. "Legion just call me Y/n." "

"This is the party that gave hope we be one with our creators. You gave us that Hope Y/n." Legion stops his thing and looks to me. "Y/n Blaze was the reason why Geth have been less aggressive. The memory is in every Geth that gave hope...where we won't harm our creators. Y/n those words gave hope and showed that there's a chance." I'm amazed I impacted the Geth this much.

I woke up back in the real world as I tried to step out but to collapse onto Shepherd. "Ow I'm kinda sore." I told him. The Geth primes woke up and surrounded Shepherd and I. Shepherd brought his weapon up but I place it down. "They won't harm us." Legion came forward. "They won't harm us they in fact want to help us." Shepherd looks at me. "Are you sure?" "Yes I'm plenty sure." I reassure him. "They look to you Y/n you gave that hope." Shepherd smiles as I'm still shocked by this...I can maybe save Legion.

I need figure out how.

We got back from the mission as I'm greet with big hug from Elara. This place is dangerous for her...when the Reapers come it's more shaky.

I held Elara hand as we toured the Normandy. "This is Legion." I greeted Elara to her. "Turian and Human can breed?" Legion asked as I let go of Elara hand and cover her ears. "No she's adopted." I told him. "Sorry." I roll my eyes and shooed Elara away from Legion and I.

Legion is showing me the plan he had to get rid of reaper signal. "Y/n what is the most treasured thing you have that no one else does." Besides Elara, Garrus, and my whole team that's an easy answer. "My family...they passed away but they are the only memory I have of them." I smiled to myself just thinking about the good times till they passed. "But their gone but that is my most. Treasured thing to me."

Legion seems different but I can't put my finger on it. This whole play through is different. Which is good. We can save Legion.

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