"Those are Nimbus Two Thousand and Ones," says Ron in awe.

That's the broom she saw Draco fan over in Diagon Alley.

Marcus smirks. "A gift from Draco's father."

Although he looks menacing, Flint is surprisingly friendly. He's a lot older than her but they've spoken a few times before and played chess in the common room together, however, it's no surprise to see this side of him in front of the Gryffindors.

Almost all the Slytherins hate the Gryffindors, and it's very much mutual. Alexis seems to be the only exception to the rule, liked by many from the other houses.

"Perhaps the Gryffindor team will be able to raise some gold and get new brooms, too. You could raffle off those Cleansweep Fives, I expect a museum would bid for them," comments Malfoy, eyeing up Fred and George who turn pink.

The Slytherin team howl with laughter at his comment.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in," says Hermione sharply. "They got in on pure talent."

Malfoy stands right in front of Hermione and frowns deeply at her with disgust.

"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood."

Alexis knew instantly that whatever he had said was really bad because all hell broke loose.

Flint dives in front of Malfoy to stop Fred and George from jumping on him, Alicia on the Gryffindor team shrieks, "How dare you!", and Ron draws his wand, yelling, "You'll pay for that one, Malfoy!"

Both Alexis and Hermione look extremely uncomfortable and rather confused at the sudden uproar. Both of them being muggle-borns, they have no idea about the meaning of this word.

Ron shouts "Eat slugs!" and points his wand at Malfoy. A jet of green light shoots out of the wand, but from the wrong end, hitting Ron in the stomach and sending him across the grass.

Hermione runs over to him and kneels on the grass. "You okay Ron?"

Ron gets up and crawls onto all fours before throwing up slugs. Literal slugs.

The Slytherin team cackle and howl with laughter. Flint doubles up, hanging onto his new broomstick for support and Malfoy's crying tears.

All the while, Alexis stands stunned, her mouth still agape. This is all too much for her brain to process, especially without breakfast.

The Gryffindors crowd around Ron, unsure what to do as he belches more slugs. Hermione, who, funnily enough, doesn't know the counterspell, starts panicking. "What do we do Harry?"

Harry looks between Ron on the floor and Alexis. She can feel Draco's eyes boring into the side of her head, judging what she's about to do next. 

She looks at him. His grey eyes radiate assertiveness and he wears a proud smirk on his face. He wants her to side with him.

"Alexis?" Harry asks, grabbing one of Ron's arms while Hermione grabs the other, lifting Ron up.

"I-I—" Alexis stammers conflicted. She knows she shouldn't, but when everyone is looking at you, urging you to do something, it's hard to make a decision. The right decision.

Harry turns to Hermione. "We'd better get him to Hagrid's, it's nearest."

They take off, walking past the Slytherins. Alexis mouths 'I'm sorry ' and Harry quickly mutters something that sounds like 'It's fine ' as he walks past, but Ron's belching cut him off.

A tiny blonde boy with a camera follows the Golden Trio and the Slytherins laugh, watching them leave frantically.

Draco stands next to Alexis and nudges her playfully. He wears a big grin on his face but she returns it with a half-smile. More of a sort of grimace.

Green Apples; Draco Malfoy [1]Where stories live. Discover now