After the Orpheum

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Julie's POV:

"Wow" I said, closing the studio doors to go talk to Carlos. I can't believe everything that's happened in the past couple hours. We played The Orpheum! That's huge! There were so many questions that I kept asking myself though, like 

How can I touch the guys now?

Where did they go before our performance?

How did I get rid of their stamps?

And finally... the one question that scared me the most,

What's Caleb planning next? 

I knew he had to be planning something. I mean, from what the guys have told me, he's this all powerful ghost, so I'm assuming he'd want revenge on our band. Unless the guys have already defeated him? They were gone for so long I don't know what happened to them in the time I thought they crossed over. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Carlos opened the door to the house. 

"Agh!" I yelled jumping back a bit. "I was just about to open that."

"Hey chill! It's just me not one of your ghost boyfriends." Carlos replied.

I'm going to kill him. He loves ghosts so much, why not become one?

"Carlos I've already told you that ghosts don't exist. And even if they did, you got rid of them with that salt, remember?" I said, trying to lead Carlos off my trail.

"And Julie, I've already told you, that as the second man of the house, I've made it my duty to hunt these ghosts. And I'm not just a dumb little kid. I know all about your little Sunset Swerve boyfriends." Carlos responded.

"It's Sunset Curve!" I corrected him, realizing my mistake immediately.

"So you admit it?!" Carlos yells triumphantly.

He looked so happy, he had finally solved his mystery, and I didn't want him telling Dad about this, so I decided to come clean. 

"Okay fine I maybe sort of kind of have a ghost band. How did you find out?!" I ask.

"Well first of all, I KNEW IT! And second of all, one of them was messing with me and Tia the other day. My money's on the one with the leather jacket." He bursts out with excitement. "By the way, you seriously need to talk to them about how to stay discreet. They suck at haunting people."

"Okay yeah you figured it out. But I have a question." I say.

"Ask away. I've become a ghost expert." He answers.

"In all your research, did you find any possible way to murder a ghost? Because I think your little flanneled friend is about to get a beating."

"NO I HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN TO MEET THEM YET!" Carlos yells, running at me and smashing me into the couch.

"Okay, okay I'll have some mercy." I say. "And how and when do you think you're meeting them?" I ask, giving him a side eye.

"When you play! I can see them when you play music, so you can write me a song!" He says smiling.

"Fat chance." I say brushing him off and heading upstairs.

"I'll tell Dad you need to see Dr. Turner again!" He yells after me.

I stop dead in my tracks. "You wouldn't dare." I growl back.

"Oh yes I would!" He says smugly. "Please please please just let me meet your little boy band?!"

"Oh my gosh fine. If you'll quit bugging me about it after, then you can meet them tomorrow."

"Yes!!" He screams, and I rush up to my room before he can stop me with any more questions.

Still Julie's POV:

I look over at the clock. 3AM. It's a good thing it's a Saturday night, because I don't think I'm going to get any sleep tonight. Every time I manage to fall asleep, I wake up crying because of this awful dream. 

I wake up and my Mom's standing above my bed. She smiles, but it's different than usual. Suddenly, she collapses to the ground, and I'm screaming for help but no one comes, I feel helpless. I'm glued to my bed. Finally someone comes in, and it's Luke. I'm relieved, until he starts shouting at me "What have you done?! You just killed your mother. This is all your fault." His voice echoes in my head as he collapses too and Alex and Reggie poof in and do the same. I look down and I'm surrounded by them. There's Flynn, Carlos, Tia, my Dad, and suddenly all of them start flickering. I reach for them, but I'm frozen.

Right before they all disappear forever, I wake up again, sobbing, just like last time. That dream hurt me more than any other dream has. They were all so disappointed in me, and I lost everyone I loved. I look up and see Luke at the door, and he looks really scared too. Realizing too late that I am crying, I quickly wipe my eyes and force a smile.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up. Did I scream or something?" I ask.

"No, no. You're fine. I just had a bad dream and went outside to get some fresh air, and your window is opened so I heard you crying... I thought maybe you had a bad dream too?" He said.

"Wait, what was your bad dream?" I ask.

"Well, it's probably a little silly compared to yours, but I was in my bedroom at my house, and suddenly everyone started collapsing around me. My Mom, my Dad, Reggie, Alex..." he gets quieter with every name. "...and you." he says so softly I almost couldn't hear it.

"Luke." I say, snapping him out of his thoughts. He looks up at me, and I give him a concerned look.

"We had the same dream."

End of chapter!! Kind of short but I didn't want to make it too long and boring :) (Haha yes I went with the very basic bad dream storyline and a kind of cliffhanger) Ahh lmk how y'all like it! This is my first fanfic I've ever written so I'm a little nervous. Next chapter is going to be the guys (mostly Luke) and it's kind of going to explain more of what happened while they were at the Hollywood Ghost Club and how it led up to the end of this chapter! Also I'd like to give credit to Bellafab12 for helping me out with this chapter! Her stories are amazing so go check them out!

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