Riku who was studying Japanese literature, was having a hard time and asked "How do you write this?" as he pointed at a certain character. Tenn looked and helped the redhead.

And hours passed, Mitsuki exclaimed "Ugh... I'm hungry!" Tamaki agrees "Me too!" Sogo said "Lunch time is near... So bare with it,"

And finally, lunch time has come... Mitsuki and Tamaki exclaimed "Finally!" Riku who was writing in Hiragana asked "It's already lunch time?" Gaku replies "Obviously,"

Riku said as he glanced at his notebook "But, I haven't finished writing," and pouts. Tenn pats his head and says "You can just continue it after,"

Riku was overjoyed and didn't know why 'Why do I suddenly feel so happy?' Riku shook his head and said "I guess you're right,"

They ate lunch and continued to study.

Yamato decided to help Riku with Japanese literature. Tamaki complained "This is too hard!" Sogo says "Then use your critical thinking skills," Mitsuki says "I doubt that he even has one," Tamaki exclaimed "You're so mean!"

Gaku said "Yotsoba is an airhead," Tamaki said "No! Gakkun is the airhead!" the others sighed at their behaviour.

After hours of studying, they finally finished. Riku looked really happy. Iori asked "Why are you so happy?" Riku replies "Because, I know more about Japanese already!"

Mitsuki asked "Then... What did he teach you?" Yamato finches. Riku replies "He taught me U-umm... words like, Baka and Aho!" he then smiled innocently.

They all turned to Yamato at the same time and Riku was left smiling innocently. Mitsuki stood up, cracked his knuckles and said "Oi Ossan... What the heck are you teaching Riku?" Yamato backs off and stutters "W-wait I can explain!"

Mitsuki gives a sinister smile and says "Save it for later,"

Sogo turned to Riku and asked "Do you even know what they mean?" Riku thought and replies "He said... That I should use those words to people like Yaotome-san!"

Gaku exclaimed "Oi, Nikaido! How dare you?!" Iori said "It actually means 'stupid' or 'idiot' or 'dumb'," Riku's smile disappeared and said "Oh no! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it that way!" Ryuu says "Don't worry, it's not your fault,"

After beating up Yamato, Tamaki says "I wanna go home,". Mitsuki said "If you ever teach something that can ruin Riku's innocence... I'll make sure that you'll never get to see daylight ever again,"

Tenn rubbed the head of Riku and says "I'll be the one to teach you next time," Riku smiled brightly that nearly blinded them all.

"Why is it so bright?!"

"My eyes!"

"How did it get so bright?!"

"I'm going blind!"

"Someone help me!"

Riku looked at them confused.


After resting, they decided to leave Sogo's place.

They took their separate paths.

Tenn who was fetched by the driver looked at the bracelet. For some kind of reason he saw an image of two babies and a couple.

The one baby had baby pink hair in which he knew was him but, the other had crimson red hair, he couldn't see the face clearly. And finally he came into a conclusion...


Riku who's driver fetched him, glanced at the bracelet. And an image like what Tenn saw appeared... A family, two children and a couple.

One with crimson red hair in which he knew was him and another with baby pink hair... Although, the face was blurred. And it finally came to him...

The duo finally came into a conclusion... They now know what their parents were hiding from them... They both know that they have a mom/dad and know that they have a sibling but...

'Who exactly is my sibling?'

And they also thought 'I'll just wait for him/her to spill the beans'


It was kinda boring... I'm sorry... Bare with me🤧

And I also realized that... It doesn't really match with the Prologue... So yeah...(θ‿θ)

See ya!

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