Chapter 12

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Next Day~

During the discussion, Riku was still thinking if the bracelet that he saw on Tenn's wrist was just a coincidence... 'Was it really just a coincidence?' Riku looked at Tenn who was seated beside Iori and shook his head... 'Just focus on the lecture'

P.E Class~

While they were getting changed for the next class, Tenn glanced at Riku who took off his blazer, he was surprised to see the same bracelet as his but with a 'T' intitial.

Riku noticed this and asked "Tenn-san are you okay?" Tenn looked around and saw Iori and Tamaki looking at him with worry as well.

Tenn smiles and said "I'm fine... I was just thinking about something,"

After they got changed, they head to the gym. The teacher said "We'll be playing volleyball for this day," Iori asked "Are you okay with playing volleyball?" Riku was surprised with the question and said "Yes... I'll be fine,"

The four were on the same group. Iori said distributing the positions. "Yotsoba-san will serve since he's good at it," Tenn said surprised "Oh wow... I never knew that he was good at serving," Riku agrees "I know,"

Tamaki pouts and said "You underestimate me too much!" they just laugh. After distributing the positions they go to their places and the game begins.

Tenn was also surprisingly good with the libero position. After the game, Riku exclaimed "That was so cool!" Tamaki agrees "I know!"

Iori smiles and sia d"We better get changed,"

Lunch Break~

While they ate lunch, Tamaki and Riku were talking about how great the game was. Sogo smiles and said "Then it must've been a great game then," Tenn said "It was,"

After they ate lunch, Gaku said "We better get to class now then," Mitsuki agrees "I guess you're right,"

They went to their respective classes.

At the end of the day, Tenn was really curious about Riku's bracelet. So as they walked going to the entrance Tenn asked "Where did you get that bracelet?" as he points at Riku's wrist. Riku replies "Oh... Mother gave it to me,"

Tenn says "I see," Iori asked "What's wrong?" Tamaki said due to observation earlier "I noticed that Rikkun and Tenten have the same bracelets, it's just that it has different initials,"

They were surprised, they move aside the teasing for now and Iori said "Come to think of it... He's right," Riku asked "What do you mean by that?"

Iori replies "I thought it was just a coincidence but... Riku-san's bracelet has the first letter of Tenn-san's name while he has yours," Tenn and Riku looked at each other.

And once they arrived at the entrance, Nagi exclaimed "Let's go to a cafe!" Yamato said "I guess it won't hurt to go,"

They went into a cafe, Tenn asked Riku "About the bracelet... What did your mother tell you about it?" Riku replies "She told me not to lose it because, someone important gave it," Riku then continues "What about you?" Tenn replies "The same reason... Someone important gave it,"

Gaku said "Not to mention your looks and your surnames," Tenn sighed sand said "It may be a coincidence," Yamato said "I don't think so... I mean, why would Riku's mom give him a bracelet with a 'T' initial while Tenn's dad gives him a bracelet with an 'R' initial,"

Mitsuki says "They must be hiding something really important, that they don't want you to know" Tenn and Riku just went silent.


When Tenn arrived home, he went to the living room and asked "Why did you want to tell me next month," Takato asked "Do you really want to know earlier?" Tenn said "Yes,"

Takato said "I'll talk about it with someone," Tenn asked "Someone?" Takato nods. Tenn sighs and went to his room.

Takato dialed in Yumi's phone number and called.


Riku arrived and went to the living room, Yumi saw him looking at her and asked "What is it?" Riku replies "It's about what you want to tell me next month," and continues "I can't wait till then to hear what you want to say,"

Yumi was surprised and said "Very well... I'll talk to someone about it," Riku looks at her and leaves the room saying "Alright,"

Yumi sighed and her phone rings and she picks it up.

'Yumi... Tenn wants to know it earlier'

"Same goes for Riku,"

'I think we should tell them already'

"I think so too... They are slowly going into a conclusion and it will be bad if they knew it before we even tell them,"

'Yes, that's the point... I think we should meet at my place this weekend and finally tell them'

"I guess you're right... The more we hide it, the more they get into a conclusion,"

'I can live even when they hate me... But, I can't live if they'll hate me for eternity,'

"Same goes for me,"

'I have to go'



And the call ends and both thought 'This is going to be an exhausting week'


Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know that it's too fast but, I can't help myself... ⊙﹏⊙


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