Chapter 2

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15 years old~

Tenn and Riku left for Japan. Once they arrived they enter their cars.

Tenn Side~

As they were going to their home, Tenn was thinking 'I wonder for what reason we came here'

Tenn snapped out of his thoughts when Takato asked "Are you okay?" Tenn smiles and answers "Yes I'm fine. Just thinking if I could fit in," his father smiles and said "I'm sure you'll do fine," and Tenn smiles in response.

Riku Side~

They were going to their home, and Riku said "I wanna go back," Yumi looks at her son and smiled "I know but we're already here," Riku answers "I'm just scared. I don't know how to speak Japanese,"

Yumi sighs "It's okay, I'm sure your new friends can teach you," and Riku nods in response.

Tenn Side~

They arrived and stepped out of the car. Takato says "We should go in. It's almost night and you have school tomorrow," Tenn said "Alright," and they enter their home.

 It's almost night and you have school tomorrow," Tenn said "Alright," and they enter their home

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Tenn was looking around and the servants were standing beside them. A butler named Luka said "Welcome master Takato and master Tenn," and the others bow.

Takato says "Luka, take Tenn to his room. And is dinner ready?" Luka replies "Dinner is almost done. Follow me, master Tenn," Tenn follows Luka to his room who was carrying his luggage.

They go up the stairs and once they reached the room Luka asked "This will be your room, master Tenn

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

They go up the stairs and once they reached the room Luka asked "This will be your room, master Tenn. Would you like me to fix your things?" Tenn shakes his head and said "No, it's fine. I can do it myself," Luka bows and says "Very well. I'll be taking my leave," and leaves the room.

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