Chapter 7:: Flooded

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~-Romano's POV-~

  Its been about two whole weeks since my room went up in flames. I'm still slightly shaken, but I'm over the incident. Spain healed rather quickly, and was always outside picking tomato's or laying on the couch. Right now, I stood next to the older man, staring at him. I couldn't help it, and I don't know why. Spain laid back on the couch with his arm flung over his eyes. His lips were slightly parted, and lacked the usual smile.

  I sucked in a breath, then grazed my fingers over the exposed skin of his forearms, his sleeves rolled up just past his elbows. "Spain?" I muttered as I shakily touched him.

  Antonio raised his arm as he hummed, looking up at me with his beautiful emerald eyes. I don't know what I was thinking, him being beautiful or handsome, but whenever I'm with him, I feel whole, completed, and just... The feeling was so indescribable, but I just felt so light when around him, but completely hallow when he's gone, even if he's just in the other room. I want to always be with him and stare into his eyes. Instead of staring into his bright orbs, I looked away, my face hot.

  "N-nothing, idiota." Though I wasn't looking at him, I could tell he was smiling.

  Spain sat up, and tugged lightly on my wrist, causing me to burn up. "Come on, Lovi. Sit next to me. What is it?" He asked, kindly, just as he always does. I did as told, shocking him a bit since I almost never do as told, but he shook it off.

  Inhaling, I stared at my lap. "Its just-a that... I've had a few more-a memories since my room, uh, yeah, but... None with-a you. I just... I'm starting to-a feel flooded with all these-a memories, but... Only two with you-a, both you-a coming home, and both when-a you were a pirate." When I peered back up at him, a frown tugged down the corners of his mouth as he looked away.

  "That was a very long time ago. Centuries actually. When you were so little." Then the Spaniards face lite up. "Aw, mi cute pequeño Roma!~" He practically squealed, and reached out for me.

  Of course, I resisted. "What the hell!? Get away from-a me!" I snapped, leaning away, resulting in me falling back onto the couch. Spain lost his balance, and fell on top of me. I was frozen in horror. Antonio had landed right inbetween my legs and his face was just above my chest, although he stared right into my eyes. "G-get-a o-off!" I yelped, my body feeling as if it was on fire.

  But it seemed as if Spain hadn't heard me. With a soft sigh, he collapsed on me, his strong arms wrapping around my waist and his cheek resting on my chest, his eyes closed. "Let's stay like this, Roma." He suggested in a tired voice.

  I couldn't say no. It was an odd position to be in, yes, but I really enjoyed it. How he held me, how he kept me warm, it all just... The moment seemed perfect. Deciding to leave him, I raised my arms and started kneading my fingers through his dark, soft hair.

  A rather load moan escaped his lips as he further relaxed, causing my eyes to widen and my entire body to flush. "Nooo.... Roma, don't stop!" He whinned, nuzzling his nose in the crook of my neck as he wiggled up to do so. Even though I felt stiffened into place, my hands worked on their own over Spain's scalp. Antonio let out quiet moans every now and then, causing me to shift just slightly as an uncomfortable tightness in my pants grew.

  I cursed under my breath, but I couldn't get him off. One; Spain was too heavy and too big for me to just shove him off, no matter how hard I tried, and Two; he was asleep. I couldn't wake him up, he's been working too hard all week.

  So I closed my eyes, and tried to think of Turn offs... Nothing to do with Spain. That'll make it worse... Tomato's make it worse too... Potatoes are disgusting, and I hate Germans. Speaking of which, I wonder how Feliciano is doing... I hope that stupid Potato-bastard doesn't do anything to sweet little Feli... Mios dios, what the hell!? Eww, gross! Disgusting! Why the fuck did I think of Italy and Germany doing that!? Then I felt like I wanted to hurl, but I swallowed it down, praying that'll never happened. We'll, my thought therapy kind of worked. It helped a lot actually.

  While taking deep breaths, I thought about different, nasty things while soothing the snoozing Spaniard.

  After about an hour, I felt my frown deepen, and my mind drifted back to the man on top of me for the umpteenth time. Why can't I remember anything else with Spain? Is it because it was all so long ago and harder to remember then the more recent memories I've been having? I wondered, biting my bottom lip and glancing down at Antonio. I racked my mind for anything I could pick up, but after a moment, I felt pain stab down through my temple, all the way through my brain, causing the pain to spread thoroughly. I cried out in agony, and grabbed my head, provoking Spain to jolt awake.

  "Roma!?" Spain asked, worry stressing through his voice as he cupped my face, although his voice sounded so distant.

  All I heard was my screaming and the pounding of my heart and head. My mind started flooding full of thoughts and memories, some I already remembered, others flashed by so fast I couldn't tell, and the rest was new. My head felt as if was exploding a hundred times over and my heart pounded so fast, it made my chest ache. My body suddenly felt on fire, but I also felt the cold, salty tears pour down my face, some slipping past my lips and dropping onto my tongue, others landed on the plush couch. As I started thrashing around, warm arms surrounded me, and pulled me towards the owner of those arms.

  I stopped screaming, and buried myself in the figure holding me, now just sobbing loudly. The pain slowly subsided, and a while later, it was only my head that hurt.

  "Shh, Lovino... Its going to be alright." Spain whispered as he gently rocked me back and forth, then placing his lips on my forehead. By then, I had calmed down to just hiccups and shaky breaths, the tears slowing. I slowly  relaxed, my hand releasing his shirt and my head resting on his chest as I closed my eyes. I then managed to go to sleep with Spain's soft voice and calking heartbeat.

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