Chapter 3:: Waiting Kills You

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  Two weeks. Two weeks Spain laid in bed without Romano rudely waking him. Two weeks Spain lad in bed, knowing he could do nothing to save his precious Lovi. Two weeks of nearly klling himself because he was too weak to save the one he absolutely loved and needed. For two weeks, Spain cried himself to sleep. For two weeks, Spain missed Romano.

  Spain finaly had enough strength to walk around the house. He was able to breathe normally, but he was always to exughsted from staying up, crying, thinking about how he could have saved Lovino. Antonio felt himself start dieing on the inside, even though his physical injuries were healing. He was already nearly healed, thanks to his life as a personification of Spain, but his chest burned and his mind was blank, only the thought of rescuing Lovino circling throughout him.

  "Spain! SPAIN!" Italy cried as he burst into the house, slightly startling the spaniard who was sitting nearly lifelessly on the couch. "Big brother Spain! We-a found where they might be-a keeping mio fratello!"

  This caused life to spark in Antonio's emerald eyes as he shot to his feet and swiveled around to face the younger country. "What!? Where?"

  While Feliciano excitedly explained where his brother was, Spain couldn't help but be relieved. He could finally get he precious little Roma. After Italy finished, the two countries followed Germany upstairs. After getting dressed, Ludwig tossed a hand-gun to Spain. "You're going to need these." The german stated, tossing the spaniard another one as well as a belt with two holsters.

  After two weeks of practically dying, Antonio could finally get Lovino back.

  Germany nearly loaded himself with bullets as it seemed he was in a blanket of ammo. North Italy had a dart gun and a small hand-gun. When the small country tried to get a grenade, Ludwig snatched it up, remembering what happened last time Italy had one of the explosives.

  Finally, they all climbed into Germany's truck, Spain in passengers seat and Feli in the back.

  Two weeks of torture is finally over... Now I can see my Roma...

~-To Where Romano is-Romano's POV~


  I've been here, locked up, tortured, beaten, for only God knows how long. The longest sleep I've had this whole time was ten minutes. Everytime my eyes closed, Cluadio or one of his goons would come in to do some form of torture. Any form of that cursed word, I've been through it. Shot, bamboo under the finger nails, punched, slapped, kicked, stomped on, left to bleed, whipped, cut, anything and everything. Only thing left was to be raped.

  I was now chained to a wall in a dark cell, noises coming from all sides, keeping me awake even though my eyes felt fuzzy, my mind was swirling in agony and was hazy from lack of sleep, and I wasn't strong enough to move. At all. Tears slid down my dirty face for the upteenth time these past few weeks or days or however long I've been here.

  It hurts so bad... And I missed... and I needed.... Spain. The back of my eye lids kept replaying even Spain was getting beaten while trying to save me, causing me to cry harder. Sobs racked my body, making the pain triple. Oh god it hurt so bad... I wanted to die... Someone... Just kill me... Please...


  The sudden noise of a gun shot snapped me out of my trance. A few more were heard with screaming following.

  "GIVE ME ROMANO BACK!" Spain cried out angrily, followed by more gun shots. More tears, if that were possible, spilled down my face.

  I heard my door unlock, and I scrambled to my feet, desperate hope coursing through me that it was Spain. That fluttering hope fleeted when Claudio slung the door open, a wild sneer drawing back his lip and blood slid down from his temple where a bullet grazed him.

   Fear filled me as he stomped over, my eyes widening as he towered over me. "You!" He growled, grabbing a fist-ful of my hair, and yanking my head back. "I will take your place as a country, and kill everyone in my path to do so!"

  The shooting in the background stopped, and three pairs of footsteps ran towards the cell I was in, but my eyes were glued to the rage on Claudio's face.

  "Lovi-!" Spain froze in the doorway with Feliciano and Germany right behind him. His emerald eyes widened, and he raised his gun at the red-haired man. "Let him go!" Antonio snapped, his eyes narrow and angry, something I never thought I'd see.

  Right as I looked at my savior, a smirk adorned Claudio's lips. "Alright." The man muttered.

  Sighing in relief, Spain started to lower his gun as Feli and Ludwig slowly relaxed. Then, Claudio shoved my head back against the rough wall, and I cried out in pain before colliding with the floor, pain enveloping my head.

  "Lovino!" Spain cried while Italy screamed. Ludwig snatched out a gun, and shot Claudio in the chest as Antonio scurried to me, dropping his gun in the pocess. "Roma? Roma!" The brunette cried, scooping me up and cradling me to him as he cried. "Roma, stay with me!" He begged, rubbing my cheek, his thumb running just under my eye as I gasped for air.

  I could just barely hear Germany calling peremedics as Italy clung to him, crying into his chest.

  My vision started to fade although my eyes were wide open. Ludwig told Spain something, and he nodded, but I couldn't hear what. With one hand, I grasped Spain's shirt, and the other hand gripped my chest as I struggled to breathe.

  "Romano, stay with me, okay? Don't go to sleep, please!" His own tears started to soak his beautiful face. Seeing him so upset made everything worse. But, it was so hard to stay awake. I haven't slept in who knows how long, I've been beaten, never allowed to shut my eyes.

  Antonio's face faded in and out of darkness as he desperatly tried keeping me awake. Soon, I could barely even gasp, and my lungs felt clogged. I felt so numb, but pain stabbed everywhere. I felt the spaniard's old, wet tears fall on my face before he wiped them away. My grip on him loosened as my breathing and heart rate slowed, making him panic more. "No, no, no, no, Romano! Lovino Vargas, don't you dare sleep! Don't, just please! Please don't!"

  Spain pleaded and begged, but it was so difficult to comply. I struggled to do as told, for once, but I couldn't. Just as the Peremedics came in, I was already slipping in and out of consciousness. One moment, I was on the cold, bloodied ground, the next I was in the ambulence with Spain holding my hand, then next I was in the operating room, and everything after that was blank...

Spamano:: Sacrifices You'd Make out of LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon