[authors note]

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hello everyone!!

i bet many of you are wondering why i'm writing today, and where the hell all the parts for the story have gone. so i'm here to explain why!!

first of all, i can't thank you guys enough for all the support you've given me and this book over the past couple of years. my sixteen year old self never IMAGINED this book would've become as big as it did. i've loved reading all your comments and seeing you react to all the romance and funny moments in the story. it's been so amazing to see, and i'm so incredibly grateful for it.

that being said, i'm not really the most proud of my writing from a couple of years ago. in the past two to three years, i'd like to think my writing has grown a lot. i want you all to be able to read a good quality story, and i want to be proud of what i give you guys to read because you absolutely deserve it!!

so this isn't me deleting the story. not in the slightest. however, i will be unpublishing it for the time being. i'll be updating hopefully consistently (especially since i'm on winter break) and publishing new and edited chapters for you all to enjoy. while it's not going to be vastly different from the original, there's still going to be a lot of editing in terms of the writing and plot lines.

i'm likely going to be doing the same for beauty and the beast, just so you guys know!! i'm trying to finish up editing the first chapter of before i unpublish the book.

i'm going to try and publish a new chapter a couple times of week for both books. i would try publishing new chapters every day, but i've also got two other books i'm currently writing right now. they're called butterflies (sam evans/glee) and stardust (george weasley) if you'd ever like to check them out!

the first (re-edited) chapter of soulmates should be up tomorrow morning!!

again, i seriously can't thank you all enough for all the support over these past couple of years, and i can't wait to make you all proud of these re-editing chapters.

- g

p.s. i deeply apologize in advance for flooding your tls with me republishing the chapters.

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