Chapter 33| After Effects

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Tom's POV:

"Dude, what the hell is going on? Why are you guys all over the internet and did Steph get into a fight with Hailey? In public?!" Nate asked over facetime.

I was left puzzled after Steph dropped that phrase, different thoughts kept roaming through my mind. What did she mean by she likes the awkwardness? That statement got me thinking, not until Nate and Ashton interrupted my thoughts with a video call.

"We know they both hate each other's guts but she didn't have to do that in public! The comments are really crazy" Ashton added.

"Why don't you guys ask her yourself, why you asking me?" I rolled my eyes as I placed my tab on the coffee table in the living room.

"Tried calling her, but she didn't answer any of my calls" Nate said.

"She can't, she's really stressed right now. She just left my apartment in a very bad mood" I told them.

"Why?" Nate asked.

"Cause they're saying shit about her online, idiot" Ashton rolled his eyes. "And aren't you bothered that she got into a fight with Hailey?"

"I don't give a shit about Hailey, I just don't get why Steph had to embarrass herself like that" I placed my hand over my head.

I sighed.

"Guys there's a problem" I said nervously.

"What's up?" Nate asked.

"I kissed Steph last night-"

"Woah hold on" Nate's mouth formed an 'oh' as he held out his left hand to take a pause.

"You kissed her?" Ashton chuckled. "When?"

"I just said last night dude" I rolled my eyes. "And then she asked me why I did that, some minutes ago"

"What did you tell her?" Nate asked.

"Why did you kiss her?" Ashton smirked.

"Because he's in love with her" Nate teased, chuckling.

"Guys!" I glared at them "I was stressed last night, 'cause my cousin showed up"

"Oh" They both gasped. They know about the feud between us.

"I was kinda pissed and he wanted to hit on Steph. I wasn't thinking straight, so I just kissed her" I shrugged.

"To take your mind off 'it" Nate curved his index and middle finger.

This guy gets me.

"So what did you tell her?" Ashton asked.

"Made up some silly excuse but she didn't believe me, then she asked if I regretted kissing her" I explained.

"Wow" Ashton gasped as he chuckled.

"I told her I did" I said slowly, looking away.

"No shit!" Nate exclaimed as they both gasped.

"Why would you say that?" Ash asked.

"I freaked out! I freaked out guys!"I yelled in frustration, running my hand through my hair.

"She obviously wants to know if you feel the same way about her. At least one of you isn't a chicken" Nate threw his hands up in the hair.

I sighed, looking away as I closed my eyes for a bit. I tried to recall back to the moment I said that, hurt flashed through her eyes and she was clearly pissed.

The guys are right, she obviously wants to know if I feel the same way. Wait-

Does that mean she has feelings for me as well?

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