Chapter Thirteen

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"Stop. You're just saying these things because you've been drinking. Go back inside and try to sober up a little bit. I think I'm gonna leave with Keishin for now.."

"Seriously you're gonna leave me here?!" Vera started raising her voice more than before and we started to get stares from people around us.

"You're disturbing people around us. Please just go back inside I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"No you won't talk to me tomorrow or ever." She said turning away from us walking back into the bar. Steam was practically coming out of her ears as she did.

"You don't mean that right?"—

"Y/n just let her go. I'm sure she'll come back to her senses tomorrow. We've had enough 'drama' for tonight." Keishin reassured preventing me from following her.

"Yeah I guess you're right.


"She's still ignoring you?"

"Yes! She won't even look at me when we pass each other in the halls!"


"Tanaka, don't say that."

"Sorry but it's true." Tanaka said shrugging. For the past week me and Tanaka have been getting closer. Being around him during practice and during class helped with that, plus Vera still wasn't talking to me so I needed a friend to talk to for a while.

"Ok maybe a little."

"Oh by the way, I'm having Noya, Hinata, Ennoshita, and Kageyama over tonight at my house, wanna come? The more the merrier."

"Yeah sure what are you guys doing?"

"Well my sister bought us some beer and stuff. We're probably just gonna hang out in my room for a while."

"Your sister.."

"Yeah what's wrong with Saeko?"

"Nothing sorry I was just speaking out loud. Your room better be clean, I'm not hanging out in some trash filled room that smells like B.O."


"Finally you're here, we've been waiting for like hours."

"Sorry I had to convince my dad to let me come. Also you said be here at 9, it's only 9:38."

"Yeah like I said, hours." Tanaka exaggerated as he lead me into his room. I've only been in his house once before and that was to study a couple weeks ago. Saeko wasn't home at the time so I didn't know Tanaka had a sister, hence my surprise when Keishin said that she was his sister.

When I walked into his room Hinata, Ennoshita, Nishinoya, and Kageyama were already there, they all looked up at me when I walked in and they were all flustered like they haven't seen a girl before, besides Ennoshita.

"Hey guys!"

"Tanaka when you said we were waiting for someone I didn't know you meant a girl!" Noya said almost gawking at me. I don't think he meant it in a rude way so I was gonna just pretend he didn't say it at all.

"Shut the fuck up it's just y/n." Tanaka said as he turned to me. "I'm gonna go grab the drinks I'll be right back. You can go sit with them."

"So what are you guys up to?" I said sitting down with the boys on the floor.

"Well Tanaka said we had to wait a bit because he had another guest coming. I'm glad it was you though I'm not really friends with anyone else on the team besides Asahi. But he's to afraid to drink, plus he probably doesn't want to be the only third year here." Noya explained with a sigh as he leaned back on his hands.

"I'm kinda nervous I've never drank with a girl before." Hinata stuttered as he pulled his knees up to his chest.

"Correction, you've never drank, period." Kageyama corrected shoving Hinata with his elbow.

"Shut up, Kageyama! Neither have you!"

"Yes I have!"

"No you haven't!"

"Yes I have!"


"Can you guys stop fighting for two seconds. I'm sick of listening to your constant bickering. Do you think you guys can get along just for tonight?" Ennoshita interrupted their arguing.

"If it'll help, Hinata can sit next to me so they're separated." I said since I was sitting kind of far away from Kageyama. Ennoshita looked over at me and nodded giving me a little smile. I've never talked to him before at practice or in school. We were in the same class and everything but he was kind of quiet and timid, almost scared? Like he was afraid to talk to anyone else besides Kinoshita or Narita.

Hinata ended up moving over next to me as Tanaka walked through the door with drinks in his hands.

"Ok guys. Let's have some fun."


"I'm sorry Ennoshita I didn't mean to!" Noya apologized profusely for spilling almost an entire beer on Ennoshita's pants but at the same time he was still laughing. Like any teenager, none of us could handle alcohol well, so we were pretty tipsy, even after only a few beers.

Ok maybe a little more than a few.

Ok definitely a lot more than a few.

"It's fine Noya, really. I just need to go dry off, or something." He said in a low and quiet voice. He was basically mumbling but I don't think he noticed. He didn't seem mad though. He stood up and started walking out of Tanaka's room to go to the bathroom.

"I'll go with him just in case he needs help." I offered so he wasn't drunk and alone in the bathroom trying to dry himself off.

"Thanks for helping me." He thanked me once we were in the bathroom. We were using a random towel we found in the bathroom to try and dry off his pants.

"No problem. I figured you would want someone to help you out a little bit. By the way, I didn't even think you were close with Tanaka and Noya. I've never seen you talk to them before."

"Oh yeah we're kinda close. Kinoshita and Narita were busy tonight so they couldn't come but I like them, they're cool."

"What about me? Am I not cool?" I joked around but I think it took him a second to figure out that it was a joke.

"You're pretty cool too I guess." He laughed as he leaned back on the sink. I think that's when I was supposed to start drying him off again but, I didn't. Instead I just looked up at him and he looked down at me. It seemed like we were staring at each other for hours. That's when he started moving his head towards me. I didn't move though.

He got closer.

And closer.

Until our lips were inches apart. We were so close I could feel his breath on my lips. Too many thoughts were running through my head at the time I hadn't even realized he started to kiss me.

And I kissed back.

And I didn't stop.

It was wrong. It was so wrong.

But I didn't stop.

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