Chapter 3: for the first time

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Lain and Runaan:
It's was a dark starry night. Lain was in his hammock looking out the small circled window and was looking at the ocean that looked to be glowing, all that Lain did was hold the beautiful scale in his hand. It didn't look like a fishes scale, but a creature that was yet to be discovered when Lain looked over at his friends hammock he was gone. He jumped out of the hammock and walked to the door where he can hear whispers from the other side, he opened the door walked out and there was the crew and his friend looking over the side of the ship in aww.

"What's going on?" Lain asked as the crew still stared at the side of the ship. Lain wasn't patient he walked over and there the water was glowing. You could see all the fishes, sharks, eels, and a whale, Runaan and Lain has never seen anything more magical than this. "We are close to Coral Surface waters boys!" The captain said from high above.

(The next day)
Runaan was practicing swinging his sword around the room and Lain was sleeping because of all-nighter of the ocean. They both were in the shared room when all of a sudden the ship stoped and hit something. Lain fell out of the hammock he was
in and onto the floor, Runaan fell against the shelf's and looked over at Lain " Aww how sweet you fell for me but I'm sorry I don't feel the same way!" Runaan said with a laugh. "You're real funny, Run!" Lain said  getting up from the floor.

Both of the boys left the room and up to see what was all that about and they realized they've arrived to Rose Wind Island, it was named "Rose Wind" because of a storm came with heavy winds and everything was gone but the roses were still there with their petals. The crew and the Captain have news that the supplies are not ready to be on the ship, so everyone decide to explore and look around. Clara and Skyla are twin sisters, Kev, Crystal, Mark, and older crew mates too.

Runaan and Lain wanted to look around the small town and seeing people dancing. Lain walked around and noticed two kids stealing some food from a old lady across the street he walked over and said "Are you guys go to pay for that?" with his arms crossed looking at the kids. "Well no we don't have money.." the little boy said with tears in his eyes, "We are just trying to get food for our sick mother.." the little girl said pulling her brother behind her, Lain looked at the older lady behind them and she gave him a nod of let them be Lain helped the kids with their bags back to their home. He let the kids walk into the house first then was greeted by a woman at the door she was very ill and all she did was looked at him "Leave PIRATE!". Lain was shocked and left the bags to the kids, walked out the door with a big thud behind him and saw Runaan across the street starring at him.

"So is this why you wanted to leave Hallow Island? To the girl you have been writing to?" Runaan said walking fast in front of Lain mad as ever, "No I was helping those kids Runaan and I wasn't writing to any girl!" Lain said final caught up to Runaan and stopped him by grabbing his arm. "You have to trust me I won't leave you, you're my best friend, my brother. When we were kids we snuck out of the house, went to the tattoo artist, and got our symbol on left wrist." Lain said showing the symbol on his wrist, "You thought of that symbol so we would always be brothers..."Runaan said looking at his own wrist of the symbol. "You're lucky I like you, let's get to the ship" Runaan said now in a positive mood then a second ago.

Lain and Runaan walked to the ship and noticed two new kids on the ship talking to the Captain. One was wearing a blue top and black over sized pants and one that was wearing a white top with a deep V in the front with brown oversized pants. "Boys meet Tiadrin and Ethari they will be with us on adventures!" The Captain said, Tiadrin and Ethari turned around and noticed the two boys. "Y' hello welcome to our home!" Runaan said shaking Tiadrin and Ethari's hands, "I am Runaan and this my best friend Lain". Lain just looked at Tiadrin and Ethari and he can tell something was off, but what?

Hey thank you for ready my story here sorry that I haven't updated it in a LONG time. See ya'll soon!
P.S. sorry if there's errors!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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