"Okay?" Serkan moved to push the buttons, not taking his eyes off of her.

"Wait! Wait," she said, taking a deep breath. "Okay."

"Okay." Still holding onto her hand with one hand, he ran his first two fingers down the two columns of buttons, hitting them all. The doors slowly slid closed and Eda felt all the oxygen leaving her lungs and she started to panic, fighting to breathe.

"Close your eyes," Serkan said. She couldn't look at him, she was too scared she'd be closed in while she wasn't watching. "Turn to me and close your eyes."

She looked into his face and felt the pressure in her chest lighten slightly.

"Close your eyes." Eda's eyes drifted shut, but her eyes twitched under her eyelids, betraying her nerves. Serkan's gaze wandered over her face--god, she was so beautiful. She drew in a shaky breath, and exhaled, her breath coming faster, like the beginnings of a panic attack. "Look at me, Eda. Look into my eyes."

She opened her eyes and looked around before looking into his eyes, but when she did, she immediately felt more at peace.

"Look into my eyes. Remember us." She was starting to calm down, but then the elevator doors slid open and she started to panic again. "Look at me, look into my eyes," he reminded her. He needed to pull her in closer, surround her so she'd feel safe. "Come," he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and bringing her into his body. "Come here. Remember us."

She nuzzled into his neck, breathing in his familiar scent, remembering his love, feeling his presence. She felt his hand in her hair, his fingertips grazing her bare neck. He spoke into her ear, still in that calming voice of his. "Relax. Take a breath in...and out." He stroked her arm up and down. "Breathe in...and out." Eda matched her breaths to the pace of his commands, letting him take control, trusting him completely. "In...out," he continued, not leaving her to flounder. She rubbed her cheek against his, feeling the rasp of his scruff against her tender skin. Her heart pounded in her chest, yearning for his. She clenched her fist against his side in a last attempt to resist him. "Are you okay?" he asked.

The doors opened again, but this time she barely noticed. There was only him...his voice in her ear, his cheek against hers, his hand in her hair, his body surrounding hers. She pulled away from him and looked up at him, her eyelids heavy.

"Come," he cupped her head in his hand, his fingers threading through her hair. "Are you okay?"

Her eyes moved down to his mouth and he took her cue and moved slowly into her, his gaze fixed on his target. She realized what was happening, and she knew it was too soon, but she didn't care; she had no desire to stop him. Butterflies swarmed her insides as his lips parted and met hers in the softest kiss. She relaxed her hand and held onto his coat, melting into him, her lips moving against his, slowly reacquainting herself with his kiss.

The doors opened and closed.

Serkan wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her tightly against his body so there was no space left between them. Her full breasts pushed against his chest, her heat seeping through the fabric of his shirt, scorching him. His hands itched to touch her, to hold her softness in his palms, to feel her nipples harden under his touch. He heard her whimper into his mouth and he angled his head, deepening the kiss, needing to get closer to her.

Her hands slid into his coat, into his jacket and ran up his back. Her fingers traced the ridges of his shoulder blades and dug into his muscles, desperate for something to hold onto. Her head was spinning, she felt so light, like the butterflies inside her were making her take flight.

Serkan's hand in her hair moved forward to her face, his thumb skimming over her cheek as he sucked on her tongue and nipped at her lips. "Eda." Her name was a prayer, and she was the answer--his blessing, his gift. Eda wrapped her arms around him tighter, her tongue sweeping over his, her hungry mouth sucking on him.

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