Under The Lampost Back On 6th Street

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The winter season is back and everyone is excited to go back to their loved ones. It's been a week since Draco and I made our relationship official. Our relationship isn't private nor a secret but we haven't told our friends yet. Nothing really much changed except from the kisses and romantic words to eachother so nobody has got onto it yet.

I parted ways with Millicent and made my way to the Black lake. We planned to meet eachother here every fridays to just hang out. I guess you can call it a date now since our relationship is no longer platonic. I saw him at the other end of the lake and ran to him. We got into a warm embrace and he twirled me around.

"So are you gonna go back to the Malfoy Manor?" I asked him.

"Maybe but I want to spend more time with you though." He replied.

"I do too." I poked his nose making us both giggle.

He put me down and we both sat to the nearest tree trunk that the lumberjacks cut off. I felt most happy when he's by my side. The Giant Squid barely shows it's presence outside of the water since it's cold above. It usually shows it's tentacles on summer or spring.

We stayed like that for sometime until we heard someone aguing in the distance. We looked back to the castle and saw a group of friends heading towards our direction. I panicked and tried to leave so that we wouldn't get caught but he put me back down to my seat. I gave him a 'what-the-hell-are-you-doing' look while just smirked at me.

He leaned into my ear and whispered; "It's time we tell them."

I calmed down under his warm breath against my ear and adjusted to my seat comfortably.

"Hey!" Draco shouted causing the attention of the group to turn to us.

The group consisted of Daphne, Blaise, Astoria, Crabbe, and Goyle. Shocked, they stood in place.

Draco placed his arms around me while I smiled at them shyly, more like awkwardly.

"So you bailed on us to hang out with Pansy?!?" Blaise exclaimed.

Draco scratched the back of his head.

"Well... yeah." He timidly spoke.

"And you Pansy! You skipped girls day because you have a date with ferret boy! Now we're stuck with these people." Dapne said reffering to the boys.

"Anyways what are you two doing out here anyways?" Crabbe asked ignoring the obvious.

"You dumb prick it's obvious they're doing homework!" Goyle exclaimed.

"Ugh, you're both stupid. They're on a date dummies." Astoria retorted disapointedly.

"C'mon now everyone we gotta go back." I said calmly.

We all headed back to the common room and it looks like the news has already gotten there before us. The girls teased me while the boys made fun of Blaise and his silly ideas.

I went to my dorm and packed my stuff. Draco is going back to the Malfoy Manor so might as well go back to the Parkinson Palace. It's not like the Malfoy Manor is far from my house. Plus staying in Hogwarts reduces the chance of us seeing eachother until classes officially starts.

I sat on my bed from tiredness. I layed and my eyes started to close on their own.
Winter break came faster than I thought it would. I put on my white wool coat on top of my brown dress and put on my dark brown knee high boots with white fluffy fabric on the knee part.
Lastly, I put on my cream-colored gamosa hat.

I carried my trunk and hurried to catch up with Lavender waiting for me at the entrance of Hogwarts. We then rode the Hogwarts express to Platform 9¾. We got off and we bid eachother goodbye.

Draco hugged me and kissed my forehead. I leaned up to kiss him and he kissed me back. We stayed like that for a couple seconds until our friends seperated us. We giggled and finally went on our own ways.

A limo parked in front of me and even from afar I could tell it was the Parkinson private service car. Mr. Murphy pulled down the window and gestured me to go inside. I opened the door and sat inside. I missed this.

"Good afternoon Miss Parkinson!" Mr. Murphy greeted.

"Morning Mr. Murphy."

Mr. Murphy served as my father figure whenever my Dad wouldn't go home for days. He has loyally served the Parkinsons before I was even born.

We arrived at the Parkinson Palace and he dropped me off to the the front. I stand before the huge double doors of the place where I fear to go. I picked up my trunk as well as my courage and knocked on the door. There was no answer and I'm no patient person. I opened the door and there in front of me was an empty room. There was nothing in sight aside from the fancy furnitures. The sound of my boot's heels echoed across the empty room.

I climbed up the grand staircase to go to my room when I heard shouting and things getting thrown. It was coming from the master bedroom. I leaned against the door to eavesdrop. Stop Pansy you know what happened the last time you eavesdropped. The voices in my head got louder and louder every step I take. I knew somethings wrong just from the way my mum wrote to me.

"I'm just staying for the money!"

"Oh I know that! You dont have to tell me!"

I stopped there. I walked away from that dreadful door and tossed my trunk somewhere. I walked outside and tried to clear my mind.

My parents already have enough problems to deal with and I don't want to add to it by telling them I heard what they said. But what hurts the most is that they're staying together not because of me.

My tears trickled down my face feeling like daggers cutting me as it slides down my cheeks because of the cold weather. I've been walking for like an eternity now. The sun has already set and the dark sky fell upon me. I finally gained consciousness on my surrounding.

There I am under a lampost on 6th street having no idea how my feet got me here. Feeling tired I got down and hugged my knees. I stayed like that for some time and hope for everything to just be okay when I come back home.

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