The Emerald Necklace

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I make my way through the thick snow around the ground of hogwarts, examining the students playing around. Though the weather is freezing, the scenery of first years playing around warms my heart.

I remember when me, Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle would have a snowball fight when we were younger out here. I took off my gloves and rubbed my hands together to create friction making it heat up. I placed them on my cheeks and embraced the warm touch of my hands.

I scurried to the common room to get some heat from the fire place although, the cold floor of the dungeons filled the halls, you can still feel the heat coming from the fireplace in the common room.

I entered the password for this fortnight on the door, the password was Serpent. The door opened showing all the slytherin students crowding the fireplace.

I pushed some students away to get closer to the fireplace causing some angy groans. Pfft, stay mad.

Once I got enough heat in my body I went straight to my dorm. Fighting all that students for the fireplace is quite tiring afterall.

I slumped on my bed and before I could even relax my body an annoyed Dapne barged in.

"What are you doing lazing on the bed? Hogsmeade weekend is tommorow!" Dapne exclaimed.

I widened my eyes and quickly got on my feet.

"It's tommorow?!?! I haven't picked an outfit yet!" I rushed to my wardrobe to find a fit to wear for tommorow.

"This is a disaster! And you haven't braided my hair into sections yet! Ughh Blaise will think I'm... UGLY!" She dropped on her bed dramatically.

To be honest all the slytherin girls are dramatic. Including me, I would act histerical if I were in her shoes.

I found an off-shouldered black dress showing off my colarbone with long sleeves that ends up in lacy frills on the wrists It was long but not too long. It was about 5 inches apart from my ankles.

I tried it on and it looked better when I wore it. The tight waistline hugged my doll like waist making my hips and chest look wider. While the off-shoulder top flaunted my colarbone and the necklace I'm wearing. The Emerald Necklace.

Bittersweet memories flooded my mind when the shining emerald reflected the light in the room.


Mum and dad fought while I sat on the stairs waiting for all the chaos to stop.

I got tired and just decided to go out in the woods. The place reeked the scent of soil and the fog covered my sight. I looked around and realized it was too late to come back to where I came from.

My first mistake is: going out here in the woods. Second, going out here in the woods without a lamp. Third, going out here in the woods without a lamp and a compass.

I wandered around helplessly, not trying to make any sound for there might be a hostile creature around. I got desperate and shouted for help.

Bad idea.

I heard rustles from afar. My body quivered in fear and stood there without motion. The rustles then turned into footsteps and soon a light emitted.

And there a boy stood right before me. Blonde, probably the same age as me, 6 or 5.

"H-hey." The boy spoke.

"Are you lost too?" I asked.

"Not really, more rather 'would like to be lost' is what I wanna be. Too bad I know every bits and bobs of this forest."

"Why do you wanna be lost?"

"I don't know, maybe when my parents hear I'm missing they would finally give me attention."

My heart broke hearing those words. Why? Because I understand him, the pain of feeling irrelevant.

"Then if you really know every bits and bobs of these woods, would you mind getting me out?"

He gave me a smile and led the way.

"By the way, what's your name?" He asked.

"Pansy, Pansy Parkinson. Your's?

"Draco, Draco Malfoy."

We walked through the foggy trees and soon enough, we start to see the lights in the town.

"How can I remember you Draco?"

"Here, take this. This necklace and this ring have the same design. It's a property of my parents but I stole them I don't think they'll even notice it missing from all the jewelries they have."

We both giggled and and he handed me an Emerald Snake Necklace with the same design as his silver ring.

"Just always wear this necklace and I'll always wear this ring so that we could always find eachother and never get lost."

I was brought back down to reality when I heard Dapne clapping.

"Pansy, that dress looks hot on you! Every guy would be head over heels."

"You know I only want one guy to be head over heels for me right?"

"Of course, the slytherin prince."

She laughed at her own words while I changed back to my robes and put away the dress.

"Okay now braid my hair!" She demanded.

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