A Letter For You

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Some weeks later after what happened at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop everythings seems to be going steady. I recovered from the earthquake life has given me by divorcing my parents but love doesn't only refer to one couple, in short I still have hope for love.

I sat on one of he benches in the Hogwarts corridor, chin on my hand, legs crossed, eyeing every student that pass by while waiting for Lavender to get out of her Divination class. We've been friends since 3rd year because of that duel between Gryffindors and Slytherins.

She was not the streotypical Gryffindor that I know. She's got the heart of a hupplepuff but the bravery of a Gryffindor. I thought that she would be too pure for me but then I saw the prejudice of a Slytherin in her, those judgemental looks she gives on inferior years when they do something stupid.

The latter finally got out of her class and jumped around looking around for me. I shouted her name making her look in my direction, she ran towards me and we walked side by side.

"So any updates on Mr. Malfoy?" She asked with a cheeky grin.

I rolled my eyes and let out a giggle.

"So there is updates!" She giggled with me and we took off to the Great Hall.

"Spill it!" She demanded.

"Okay, okay so... remember how we always write letters but never send them to Draco nor Ron?" She nodded with excitement as I feed her with more information. "Well so one letter slipped out of my bag while we are in the common room. But what I didn't know is he picked it up."


"Thankfully I snatched it out from his hands swiftly before he could remove the wax seal. And were not even on the best part yet!" I bit my lip to refrain myself from screaming. "He tried getting the letter back in his hands but I didn't let him and he ended up pinning me to the walls of the common room!"

She held my hand and we both jump on our seats while still sitting and squealed taking the attention of the other students in the Great Hall. We calmed down and I continued.

"And the embarrassing part is alot of students were in the common room." I said taking out my books.

"Ahhh~ what a dream I hope someday my Won-won would do that to me. But what happened to the two of you was definitely flirting!"

"You think so?"

"Of course!" She took a bite of her chocolate frog and looked over to the other end of the table where the golden trio is seated.

I made my way back to the common room straight to my dorm. The girls were still not here so I dropped of my bag and kicked off my shoes to the side. I looked over to my night lamp by the side of my bed and saw something unexpected. It was a letter. It's been months since my parents stopped messaging me and I couldn't be bothered to send them one.

It was a letter... for me.

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