You're Invited!

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It was a beautiful day in the Mushroom Kingdom and the sun peeked through Princess Toadstool's bedroom window. She sat up with a yawn and fished for her slippers under her bed. "I swear they were under here" She muttered. The Princess heard a knock on her door and she sat up. "Come in," She said. An elderly toad walked into the bedroom. "Why, good morning Princess." He said calmly. "Good morning, Toadsworth." Peach responded, resuming llooking for her slippers. He looked at her searching for something under the bed. "What are you looking for, my dear?" He asked, slightly concerned. "My slippers" The aggravated Princess said. She found them after minutes of searching. The two went downstairs and made some breakfast. As they ate, Peach had an idea. She wanted to host a Christmas party at the castle. She told Toadsworth this idea. "I think that's a lovely idea!" Todsworth exclaimed. "We can send out letters after breakfast." After breakfast, the two worked on writing the addresses on the envelopes. They continued for around 30 minutes and then took a break. At this time, most of the toads in the castle have woken up. A few hours later, every letter was done. Toadette brought them to the post office and got them mailed. The rest of the day flew by but Peach was worried that the letters wouldn't arrive on time. 

The next day, Peach woke up at 6 am, way earlier that yesterday. She paced around her bedroom, thinking of ideas for the party. Hmm what should I do? Should I go all out and decorate the whole castle in red and green? No. Ugh, planing is soo hard! She thought.  

Mario woke up pretty early as well. Of course his brother was still sleeping. He walked to the living room, wrapped up in his red blanket that he took from his bed. At around 7 am the mail came. "Junk, junk, junk, ju- LETTER!!" Mario raced to his sleeping brother's bedroom. "LUIGI, LUIGI! Get up!" Mario shouted. Luigi sat up, "Wha- what's wrong, Mario?" He asked. "Nothing, just a letter from Peach." Mario grinned. "Wait, your joking?" Luigi got serious. "Nope, see?" Mario held up the letter. " I can't wait for Christmas!!" The brothers yelled in unison. 

That same morning, Daisy got up at 8 am and ate. After she finished, she went to check the mail. As she flipped through the tons of Kingdom stuff and bills, she saw a letter. She tared it open. "Hmm, a party huh, I'm sooo coming! I can't wait!" 

At Yoshi's, stuff was pretty much the same, he got up, ate breakfast, got the mail, and yelled, "Yes! I finally have something to do on Christmas!" 

So, how was that chapter? Tell me in the comments how much you liked it. I wrote as much as I could with my injured thumb so it's not as long as expected. Anyway, see you next time, Byee! 

~ ThatOnePeachFan 

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