Two Couples & A Ring

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Lisa is wearing a dark blues dress that sparkles every time she moves. "You look much better" Lisa touches her index finger where my bruise was on my eye that has now completely healed. "So do you" I feel my lips go into a grin that makes Lisa pout hitting lightly onto my right arm. "Are you sure your up for this? " I ask her again walking to the car pack to where my car is parked. "I am sure but only for this once" She gives me a small smile while I open the door for her. She thanks me and gets in. I slowly exit the car park because usually this time of the day it gets busy. We head out to the main road what feels like a good five minutes. I turn on the radio to remove the awkward silence in the car and turn onto the freeway. Lisa falls asleep on the way to getting to the church, its about thirty minute drive until we arrive there. The church is very tall and entering the church is a big maze but once we got into the church I knew why my mother wanted to get married here. It reminded me of Paris. The building inside was even more taller with art design windows giving the walls a colorful flashback. Mother's husband to be is standing at the altar in a red suit matching the tie bow they both gave me for my birthday. He waves at us with a goofy smile I hadn't seen before. We take a sit on to the right side were our names were placed onto the chairs. Lisa reaches out to hold my hand but I don't grip it knowing I will start to get the shakes. I give her a kiss on the forehead. "After you beautiful" I sway my arm and move to the side to let her go past me. I wave to my grandma who sits three sits from us. She doesn't wave but smiles and nods. A few seconds past when she see's Lisa next to me she waves in excitement. That makes me feel somewhat foolish in the pit of my stomach but I push it aside sitting back and looking back at my Mother in her white wedding dress. She has a white vale on her head with a crown; her hair is straighten flat to her shoulders as if she put hair extensions just for this day. She wears a big smile on face but then it grows more. It takes me by surprise when she stops by me and gives me a hug and then look to Lisa nodding her head. Her eyes goes glossy "I'm happy your her" She taps onto Lisa's hands and then proceeds to walk with her pink flowers in hand with my grandpa looping onto her left arm. The ceremony only took half an hour; hearing vows that made Lisa do weird sound effects along with a few others amongst us. We walk out following the Bride and Groom out while everyone was given flower peddles to throw at them. Most of them got stuck in Lisa's hair but she did not care at all. She was having to much fun throwing them up into the air. I'd didn't have a chance to talk to the newly married couple after the big photo was taken at the church. We get into the car rolling down the windows. "That wasn't so bad" Lisa says taking out the flower peddles out of her hair and flicks them out window. "What do you mean, we have reception to go to" I take a right turn but Lisa touches my wheel honking it. "Isn't that Fiona?!" Lisa voice is in a surprise high pitch. Fiona is walking past on pedestrian crossing. She looks so different then I remember. It might of been the clothes she was wearing. She flick us off not looking our way. "Must not be her, she doesn't flip people off" Lisa laughs and nods her head while she covers her embarrassed emotions putting her hand towards her forehead. "Yeah" The Fiona she knew wouldn't but I'm not sure what this Fiona now would do now. Everything had changed. Her appearance seemed more defined. Her cheeks are pointy and her height has grown. We arrive at the reception as the sun slowly goes down. It went really fast and well throughout the celebration, eat entrees then speeches and then dancing of all types. Mains come out and then the first dance and then dessert with cutting the wedding cake. They both leave on a boat off to there honeymoon for two weeks. My phone buzzes inside the coat of my pocket. Its Max. "Hey how's the wedding going? Where meeting up at midnight for a run if you feel like coming; usual spot?" Max hardly calls for our regular runs at midnight on Quarter Moon nights; he'll send a text reminder or pop it into our conversations but I feel like his not asking if I'm coming. Its as if his asking if I'm still coming even though I know Fiona might be there. My stomach does a little nervous twist that makes my brain think I'm needing to fart but its a false alarm. "Wedding is going good; I'm getting tired but yeah maybe not; I'll see you later" Lisa talks to my grandma they both laugh towards the end of it and then she walks to my side along the river bank. Max says his goodbyes and I hang up the phone putting it into my right smooth pants pocket. Lisa gives me a big smile walking along with her hands crossed into each other. "Thank You" She pause's for a few seconds ; her chest goes up. "I never realized how lucky I was" She exhales out of her mouth letting her chest fall slightly and then shakes her head while laughing lightly. "Whoever will be your next I'm sure your family will love her even so much as me, that I know" The sky is in different shades of blues. Lisa's words sounded so encouraging that I wanted to forget what Fiona had done but apart of me will not let it; afraid to open up like I'd done. Even though I know it wasn't her fault entirely. "Thank You Lisa" My voice sounded in a low whisper even tone to the smooth music in the background of us. I wanted to give Lisa a hug and I'd had a feeling she had too but we stood in front of each other smiling until Lisa breaks into a soft giggle; tucking her hair behind her ear.

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