Feral goats of New Lantia

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There are goats here as well. The breeds are the Alpine goat, Spanish goat, Kiko goat, Kinder goat, Chamois Colored goat and Barbari goat. In which they live in many different locations of the island continent. They are all introduce the same years like the cattle were.

Alpine goats roam across mountains, hills, forests and plains. 

Spanish goats roam across the badlands, deserts, rocky mountains, hills and grasslands. 

Kicko goats roam in all places where there is a lot of trees.

Kinder goats roam in all parts of New Lantia, even the beaches.

Chamois Colored goats live in deserts, grasslands and badlands.

Barbari goats live in all of the deserts, badlands, mountains and hills.

They all do the circle technique as well. They would show their horns and would stand together. If that fells, they run. 

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