Seeing stars

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Yamaguchi's house, November 11th 2011.

As Tsukishima and Yamaguchi both wake up they realise it's only 5am. Yamaguchi attempts to go back to sleep but it's no luck.

Tsukishima clears his eyes and puts on his glasses trying to get used to the darkness. Yamaguchi sits up and examines the dimly lit room, lit only by the stars that covered both boys arms.

"I swear everything is stars nowadays." Yamaguchi said in a sleepy tone. "It's like our whole life will revolve around stars." Tsukishima replied.

Yamaguchi giggled. "So, are we going to try and figure out if this whole Soulmates thing is a hoax or not?"

Tsukishima asked. "Yeah, it's better if we know now rather than later."

Yamaguchi responded. "How exactly do we figure it out though?"

Tsukishima questioned. "I guess a... k-kiss will kind of determine it.." Yamaguchi said while blushing. "A kiss? Isn't it a little too soon for a kiss?" Tsukishima asked, kind of shocked.

"Well yeah, but it's better if we figure it out as soon as possible..."
Yamaguchi responded. "Fair enough.." Tsukishima agreed.

As Tsukishima leaned in to kiss Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi's heart was beating so rapidly he thought it would've jumped out of his chest. While Tsukishima placed a gentle kiss on Yamaguchi's lips, Yamaguchi hesitantly kissed back.

They soon pulled away from their kiss, keeping it short and wholesome. "I don't feel any different." Tsukishima stated.

"Me eith-"
Yamaguchi got cut off when he looked up at his ceiling that was being illuminated by the stars covering both boys arms.

"Is that our answer...?" Yamaguchi pointed up at the ceiling. "I think it might be.." Tsukishima said. By now, both boys were a blushing incoherent mess.

"Maybe I should kiss you again to see if anything changes?"
Tsukishima suggested. "We can try that, if that doesn't work then we can research into it a bit more." Yamaguchi stated.

Tsukishima leaned in and kissed Yamaguchi again, this time deepening it ever so slightly. As Tsukishima's tongue explored the caverns of Yamaguchi's mouth, he couldn't help but to hold onto Yamaguchi's waist.

Yamaguchi mumbled into the kiss. "I- I think we should stop now.." Tsukishima broke the kiss, biting Yamaguchi's lip as he pulled away. As Yamaguchi caught his breath, Tsukishima spoke.

"I still don't feel any different. Is the ceiling still illuminated?"
Tsukishima said as he looked up at the ceiling, which indeed was still illuminated. Even more so. "Maybe one more time for good measure?" Tsukishima suggested.

"No more kissing. We should just wait, as of yet kissing hasn't done anything at all so that's a lost cause."
Yamaguchi stated.

Tsukishima admired Yamaguchi's imperfections lit only by the stars that covered his arms. As Yamaguchi stared into Tsukishima's eyes through his glasses.

It was obvious that the two boys had fallen for each other, but both of them were just as scared to admit it as the other was.

"What exactly does the whole kissing thing and this soulmate phenomenon entail from your point of view?"
Tsukishima asked.

"Does this mean we're dating?"
Tsukishima asked yet another question before Yamaguchi could respond.

"Not necessarily, it's up to you if you decide to date your soulmate, however.. if you don't end up with your soulmate your stars will be dim and will never illuminate again."
Yamaguchi quoted a paragraph from the PDF they examined the night before.

"I see..."
Tsukishima responded. As Yamaguchi got out of bed and began stretching, Tsukishima turned on his phone and saw that the time was now 6 in the morning.

Tsukishima looked towards the window which has now let more lighting into the room as the sun rose. Yamaguchi walked over to the window and looked out of it, examining the sunrise through the glass.

"It's been a while since I've watched the sun rise."
Tsukishima stated while turning his head back to his phone. "I've never been awake early enough to experience it." Yamaguchi said whilst still observing the sunrise, he was astounded.

Glancing at his phone, Tsukishima received a notification from his older brother. "Hey bud, how was your friends birthday?" Tsukishima decided not to answer. After all, that's what he always does now.

As Tsukishima switched off his phone and set it aside yet again, Yamaguchi sat down next to him again.

With a yawn, Yamaguchi placed his head on Tsukishima's shoulder. Eyes slowly closing as Tsukishima runs his fingers through Yamaguchi's hair.

A few months later...

"C'mon Tadashi! You have to hurry up!" Tsukishima shouted as he walked through the bushes. "I'm coming!!" Yamaguchi said in response. Yamaguchi took a deep breath once he reached where Tsukishima was waiting for him. "You alright there Yamaguchi?" Tsukishima's older brother Akiteru asked. "Y-Yep, I'm good." Yamaguchi replied while catching his breath from running.

Tsukishima put a hand on Yamaguchi's back and handed him a water bottle. "We're here." Yamaguchi heard Tsukishima's parents say. He lifted his head and looked at what he saw in front of him. A beautiful lakehouse surrounded by greenery and a crystal lake that you could see straight through.

"I set up a solar panel that if my calculations are correct, should connect to the wifi router." Akiteru said confidently.

20 minutes later...

"Aw darn it, I was sure it would've worked." Akiteru stated with a frown on his face. "It'll be fine sweetie, I'll fix it up." The boys mother said. "Follow me Yamaguchi, I'll show you around." Tsukishima said.

After Tsukishima had shown Yamaguchi around the house they went into their bedroom and put away their stuff.  "So, what do you think?" Tsukishima asked whilst unpacking the rest of his baggage.

"It's really cool!" Yamaguchi replied, "How often do you come here?" He asked a follow up question.  "We stay here every spring." Tsukishima responded. "I'd rather be at school right now though."

"Why's that Tsukki?" Yamaguchi asked. "It's the one place where Akiteru can't try to talk to me." Tsukishima replied. "You really don't like your brother do you?" Yamaguchi questioned. "I used to, but that was before I found out he was a liar." Tsukishima stated.

Later in the night...

"Nights like these really make me feel like I've never seen the sky." Yamaguchi stated while gazing out the window of the lake house.

"The sky seems to have a lot of power nowadays' Always seem to leave us seeing stars."
Tsukishima replied while walking away from the window that Yamaguchi was stood at.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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