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"oh, this is such a short notice kye, is everything alright?" Doris asked sounding concern.

"Yeah......everything is fine, I'm just going to move in with my sister" I lied through a forced happy voice. "She found a place in the city and wants me there"

She sighed on the other end. "well its understandable but its sad seeing you go kye, I was really fond of you..... Give me two weeks and I'll be there okay"

Two weeks is a lot of time..... I needed to be out of here ASAP but than its Doris and she welcomed me with open arms so I'll bear those two weeks.

"Okay Doris I guess I'll wait but please no longer than that" I said hanging up. Sighing hard I looked at my dead phone on my counter..... A gift from mom when I got accepted into nursing school.

IPhone six plus and before you say something, yes I know it's outdated but the sentimental value behind it is worth more to me.

I wiped away my tears looking at the clock on the wall, I still have a few hours before work so I got up feeling hungry when a soft knock on the door stopped me in my tracks. Peeking  out the window I saw Miliano standing there holding a gift bag as he knocked again.

Hell must first freeze over before I open the door. I walked to the kitchen and made myself an avocado toast with coffee as the knocks finally stopped hearing footsteps walking away.

Slowly opening the door I noticed that he was nowhere to be seen but the small gift bag was on my doorstep, I picked it up and closed the door quickly.

I am sorry read a card inside the bag and brand new phone. The latest iPhone.

"He must be kidding me" I said to myself not bothering to unbox it as I placed it back in the bag and went to place it outside my door when he suddenly appeared before I could even react or close the door.


"No. No. No I do not want to hear it" I quickly interrupted him rushing inside trying to close the door but he blocked it pushing back on me.

"Stop and just hear me out!" he yelled being successful slamming the door shut behind him. Fuck me and my weakness.

"Fuck you Miliano, fucking get out of here I do not care about what you have to say!!" I yelled back trying to push him out but he took grip of my arms stopping me from pushing him.

"I'm sorry Kye..... I never meant for all of that to happen I didn't know they were going to do that, the plan was only to laugh at you"

Oh soo there was a plan.

I yanked my arms out of his grip, wiping away my tears and calming myself down. "I don't care, you made your choice.... Your plan, so please get out my house and leave me alone" I said seriously and firmly.

He brushed down on his perfect waves looking at me pleadingly. "I'm really sorry Kye"

"Yeah me too" I sighed feeling nothing. "And please take your gift along, I can get my own" I said slamming the door in his face.

After a long nap to forget about Miliano and the distress of last night I got ready for work, standing outside the gate waiting for Emily. The humiliation and pain in my heart still lingered hard but with each deep breath it slowly subsided.

"uhm... What are you doing here Armando?" I asked looking at his shiny black G-wagon in confusion.

This boy is definitely in a gang.

"Emily called me to say that she won't be picking you up today so I came to pick you up" he said nonchalantly.  "Come on get in" he added.

"Why is your phone off?"

Looking back at the house I saw Miliano looking at us through the window still holding that sorry look.

"It fell in the water" I lied.


Emily roughly pulled me into one of the rooms when I entered the hospital looking all pissed and I guess I can understand why.

"Kye, why is your phone off, I was calling you to tell you all about my date" she said almost yelling at me.

"uhm.... Okay breath babe, I'm here aren't I.. My phone fell in the water" I said annoyed.

"oh... Okay well, you won't believe where he took me after dinner" she started and I morphed my face and mood into the interested best friend one

Nightshifts at the hospital were mostly dry most of the time so we usually killed time by organising things that needed no organisation.

"Wow now that's what I call rich people problems" I laughed flipping through a patients file.

Dr Calvin cleared his throat rendering us silent. "Kye" he nod at me and turned to Emily. "Can I see you in my office now please" he said to Emily and walked off.

"Go get your office spanking girl" I laughed earning a punch on the shoulder.

I sanitised my hands and the room suddenly got cold as the strong smell of the sanitiser brought back last nights events.... The burn in my eyes and taste of alcohol dripping down my face, my first taste of alcohol came with a bad memory. Goosebumps  on my skin and pain in my heart made everything in the room blurry as a strong dizzy spell washed over me.

"Kye?..... Are you okay" said the smoky voice of Armando slowly walking up to me, confusion and concern written on his face.

"Don't touch me!" I warned when he tried to touch me. "Don't fucking touch me... Don't you dare touch me!" I yelled backing up from him as I felt everything spin.

"Hey, hey its cool. I won't touch but stop moving before you knock down the equipments" he said softly like I'm a baby or something.

"Don't tell me what to do.... You fucking do not know me like that, take this back!" I yanked out the chain he had given me and threw it at him. "you are just like him.... Confusing me with your mixed signals.... You fucking want to do the same don't you!?"

A small crowd was gathering at the door as the mocking sounds of laughter and cackles increased around me. Each word carried a heavy tone and each word took a piece of my heart with it.

"Kye?" Emily appeared in front of me.

"Don't fucking touch me!!!"

Everything went black but not before I felt a sharp stink on my head.


Is it just me?

I'm more creative when I'm depressed n I know it's a bad thing but when I'm happy I seriously do not have any creative juices running.

Okay bye.

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