Chapter 3: close encounters

Start from the beginning

Y/n: now as for how I'm alive and unharmed, I was just lucky that the Reaper didn't want to eat me, but was more interested in me.

female humanoid peeper: oh, but how come we have to speak above water?

Y/n: well my kind can't breath underwater let alone be able to speak with out a rebreather that allows that.

female humanoid peeper: oh. what's your name?

Y/n: my name is Y/n L/n nice to meet you, umm...

female humanoid peeper: my name is Zoey, Zoey the Peeper.

Y/n: I see. well I'm going to head back into my base to store some items that I've found and see if I got any messages while I was gone.

Zoey: okay. please stay safe Y/n.

I nod to her and put the rebreather back on and swim towards my base, once I got inside I put building materials in a locker and put water and nourishment bars in a double bag next to the locker. I then went to my radio getting at least two messages, one from a Sunbeam and another with coordinates attached.

A/n: I'm not going to write all the dialogues cause I'm lazy.

after hearing the messages I got excited about getting rescued by Sunbeam, along with a lifepod with potential survivors.

Y/n: well that's some good news. well time for me to build a mobile vehicle bay and build me a seamoth and search that lifepod.


3rd pov

after Y/n build the mobile vehicle bay and a seamoth he uses it to explore around the waters that he can go without risking his seamoth due to it's low durability from the water pressure. which he found blueprints for the propulsion cannon, moonpool and modification station, along with a mod for his seamoth for depth making it where he could go to the lifepod coordinates. unfortunately it lead him to one of the darkest parts of the ocean.

Y/n: oh. come on! why did it had to be in the dark parts of the waters.

as Y/n was complaining he hears something outside of his seamoth that made his blood ran cold just from hearing it.

A/n: not mine also this sound is almost as terrifying as a reaper leviathan.

Y/n: fuck that! I'm just going to go back to base and make me a moonpool.

as Y/n pilots the seamoth back to his base to leave the dark area, but as he leaves a glowing humanoid like creature that looked like a woman sees the small craft leave.

glowing humanoid creature: I wonder what that is? oh well it's already leaving, better find me some food.

as Y/n makes it back to his base safe and sound he get's the required materials to make a moonpool and adds more solar panels for more power. once those were made he docks his seamoth charging it, Y/n then admires the lands scape of the underwater planet as the sun slowly seats almost reaching night.

Y/n: I'm going to admit, this planet maybe dangerous with it's large predators like that reaper leviathan and what ever creature made that noise. I just hope I don't run into anything bigger than the reaper leviathan, cause when ever there are large water predators there's going to be an even bigger predator that could eat said reapers.

when the sun fully sets parts of the safe shallows light up in lights, then Y/n looks around his base seeing lockers to store materials and resources. but what Y/n lacks is a proper bed for him to sleep in for the night.

Y/n: man, I really need to find me a proper bed to sleep on. maybe I can investigate the Island in one of the messages awhile back mention. I could find maybe a abandon base or something to help in my survival.

Y/n then lays back against the wall facing the window in his base enjoying the sight of the glowing sea life of the water world. as Y/n falls asleep a familiar glowing humanoid creature stumbled upon the sleeping human's, looking at him through the window.

glowing humanoid creature: oh. what are you? he does look cute sleeping, but I'll just leave him be and continue searching for food.

the creature leaves the sleeping human be and off into where it was going, while the said human Y/n shakes his head a bit in his sleep until he starts to hear a voice in his head.


Y/n: *wakes up* what the? who or what was that? probably just tired I need more sleep.

Y/n then just shrugs thinking he was just hearing things due to him not getting enough proper sleep, but what he doesn't know that he is about to discover something more bigger than he could possibly imagine and discover something big.

to be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. now things are starting to get interesting also which island should the the reader explore first, the floating island or the island that Sunbeam gave coordinates for the reader to follow. please leave it in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one. 

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