Chapter 2: surviving the water planet

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A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter for this story now since most of the game is mainly of exploring and gathering materials I'm going to try and do what I can to continue on with the chapters I'm open to suggestions of chapter ideas.

Y/n's pov

it has been a few days since I crashed landed on this planet in my life pod. since then I managed to make a few tools and a base with solar panels on top for power in the safe shallows. what I made for tools was a repair tool, laser cutter and a sea glider the tough part was getting the cave sulfur which caught me off guard.


Y/n: this is such a bad idea.

I was looking at a small cave that was somewhat dark it was one of the places I have yet to explore for cave sulfur. to which I took a deep breath and go into the small cave and pulled out the flashlight and turned it on. once I was in the cave I found some stone outcrops and quartz along with a weird plant like growth on the walls of the cave which got me curious so I moved in closer to it. once I got close to the weird growth it opened up and a small round fish creature came out then turns to see me then begins to rapidly swing towards me making a sound that forced me to quickly swim back trying to avoid it. once I got some distance away from the fish which then explodes which shocks me to no end.

Y/n: [WTF?!] 0_0

I calmed down then returned to the growth to see if there was anything inside. once I got to the growth I see some sorta yellow substance which I pulled out my scanner to scan it.

PDA: this substance is known was cave sulfur. it is used to make a wide variety of flammable tools. example laser cutter and flares. caution an explosive creature resides inside of the growth.

Y/n: [son of a-]

-back to the present-

yeah it was not fun trying to get the cave sulfur and trying to maintain my oxygen. but it was worth it I got what I need so far in the safe shallows anyway I've gotten lucky to avoid the monster that made the monstrous sounds of what ever creature made them, but I will have to venture out soon once I get enough parts to scan like a moonpool and a sea moth will help me a lot more. 

PDA: emergency seismic readings suggest a quantum detonation has occurred in the Aurora's drive core. the reactor will reach a super critical state in T- *starts counting down*

I was shocked about this I got out of my base and proceed to go on top of the life pod I had used as shelter for awhile. once there my PDA was counting down to the last three numbers which then hits zero the front part of the Aurora explodes as a lot of debris from the ship flies off and into the water. then my radiation reader starts to pick up some radiation and my PDA adds a radiation suit and mask to my blueprints list I look at it to see I needed two lead which I have plenty of while the other material is two fiber mesh which I needed two creepvine samples.

Y/n: well looks like I'll need to head back to where I found the creepvines hopefully there's no radiation there.

3rd pov

what Y/n doesn't know is that the radiation of the ship has mutated certain creatures of the waters changed them in different ways that he could possibly imagine. anyway as Y/n made is way back to the creepvines he sees the water creatures that he scanned that are known as Stalkers roaming around minding their own business. Y/n then brings out his knife to cut two pieces of creepvine then moves back to his base to fabricate his radiation suit, but what her doesn't know is that he was being followed by  something or someone.

????: *whisper tone* who or what are you?

once Y/n got to the hatch that leads into his base he enters it and closes the hatch Y/n takes off his rebreather and heads to the fabricator. he then starts the process of making the radiation suit he starts the hear a tapping sound on his window of his base that is behind him at first he just ignored it thinking a small fish had just accidently hit his window until he hears more tapping. which he gets curious and turns towards the window thinking it's just a fish like a Peeper or something around that size, but once he then looks at the window his eyes widen to see an odd creature with characteristics of a Peeper but more human like.

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