2. Unsaid Emily - Part 1 (Series)

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A/N: pretend Covid never existed :)

Your POV*

"And, here you go Missy. Here are your keys. Got two spares in case you loose them or you want your boyfriend to have one, if you know what I'm saying." My landlord wiggles his eyebrows and bumps my shoulder. I gave out an awkward laugh as he opened the door to my new apartment. Walking through the empty space , I realized that I'm missing a lot of things and I need to save up to get the stuff I really need. Moving to a new town is a big change. This is going to be a long and difficult process but I can do it.

"If you just get some paint you can make the walls look better. Also, the water pressure is really bad. But I think for a young girl like you, you can handle it. Too bad there aren't any youngsters in the building." The old man said while making his way to the door." Would've made you feel less lonely."

"It's fine, thank you." He waved goodbye. I scanned through the place to kind of imagine what I want to do in each room. I don't have a lot of money right now but I can definitely save up plus family isn't too far away for help. Walking up to the patio, the door jammed but with a few quick bumps I managed to open it. The view of the city distracted me that I didn't even know there was a knock at the door until I heard someone knock really hard and repeatedly. I walked up to the door thinking it was the landlord but was surprised to see a girl around my age at the other side.

"Hi!" She said in a high pitch voice. Confused, I looked behind her to see if there was someone with her. I thought there weren't people my age living here.

Leaning against the half opened door I greeted her back; "Hi. Can I help you?"

"I'm Emily! Nice to meet you." She reaches her hand out to shake it but I'm still unsure of what's happening right now.

"Uhm...". I said. This is so awkward.

"I'm around here and I heard someone new was moving in so I thought why not introduce myself?"

"Uhm, yeah that's nice of you Emma but-"

"Emily." She corrected me. I paused for a second.

"Right. Anyway, it's nice to meet you but I'm really busy moving in all my stuff and I got so much to do yet have so little time." She creeped over my head a little bit to see my half empty apartment.

"Really?" She raises an eyebrow. "I don't see any boxes or anything." I guess there is no way I can get rid of her now... I gave out a sigh and opened the door all the way while moving out of the way for her to come in. "Come in."

She happily walked in and sat on the patio floor. I just looked at her but shrugged it off and sat with her. I could use the company of someone who might just be a serial killer... Note sarcasm.

"This is a nice place, isn't it?" She said looking out on to the city. I stayed quiet for a while, breathing in the city air and listening to the people honking their cars impatiently while in rush hour traffic. "I guess. I prefer to live in the suburbs but this isn't bad."

A few hours have passed and it was dark. Emily and I sat outside eating the pizza we ordered earlier and talked and laughed about a lot of things.

"I never got you name?" Emily said. I looked at her. She had blonde hair and the most prettiest hazel coloured eyes. She was definitely a Heather.


"Well, Y/N. Who's the special man in your life?" She wiggled her eyebrows, making me giggle.

"Unfortunately, there isn't anyone special." I said almost as if I was embarrassed to say it. I've never been good at relationships, nevermind even having someone slightly interested in me, for that matter.

Niall Horan Imagines❤️ Part 3Where stories live. Discover now