3. Unsaid Emily (Part 2)

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Please, I JUST found out Niall's been in a relationship since last year🤭 I honestly had no idea haha! I'm going to cry alone in my room bye! Jk✌🏼


"Wait, so you are going on a date tonight?" Emily asked as I was running around my bedroom trying to find a decent looking outfit for tonight.

"Yes, now can you please help a girl out?" I said, quite annoyed not only with Emily but with myself because clearly I  wear the same four outfits every day and now none of them look appropriate for the place I'm going to. Emily was sitting by the window looking down at the city and the people walking around. Something about Emily seems so different. I just don't know what it is yet. I've learned a lot from her this past month and she's really good at giving advice. She doesn't really talk a lot about her own life. I've never even been to her apartment nor have I ever met her fiance which she never brings up really. She did mention it was a complicated relationship but I never really asked her. She talks a lot but today her attention was on something else so her being so quiet was weird.

"His name is Niall, isn't it?" She asked, still looking out the window. I stopped to look at her wondering how she knew what his name is seeing as I've never mentioned it before. "Yeah, how did you know?" I asked her.

She shrugged.

"I need to get going. I have some things to do." She said walking out of my room. I began walking her to my door.

"Uh, okay. Well, I'll let you know how it went." I said and opened the door for her. She smiled big.

"Please do, I want to know all about it!" I waved her off and bolted to my room because now this jean looks weird with this top I have on and UGHHH! It's not even a date! It's just to make up for almost giving Niall a concussion today but I as I said before, I need more friends anyway.

Finally after 20 minutes I decided on an outfit, fighting with myself not too ovethtink it. A knock came at my door and I already knew it could be Niall.

"Hi- woah! You look great!" Niall said as I opened the door. I blushed a bit but managed to hide it.

"Thank you, you look great too."

"Well, we got no time to waste so we should get going. New York traffic is awful!" He said and motioned for me to come. I locked the door and we headed out to his car and made our way to the pub.


I'm not going to lie, it's been 10 minutes since being here and my time with Niall just keeps getting better. He keeps the conversation going and he's funny, not pushy about certain things and he's just so nice in general. A friend of his was performing at this pub. He's very supportive which is good. We had a great time. We'll, I had a great time, I don't know about him though. Turns out, He's originally from Ireland but got an intern job as an assistant photographer for a music magazine. The company even sponsored him to take courses so He's been here for 4 years already. He showed me some of his work and he's really talented. He mentioned he wants to write songs for other musicians because writing songs is his passion.

The night ended pretty good. We spent most of the time talking. I wanted to ask him if he had a girlfriend but I figured it's too soon to ask personal stuff.


Niall and I have been seeing each other for 2 months now. We've been going on dates here and there but still remain friends. He's actually coming over tonight because I'm cooking dinner and he wants to spend more time together. Do I like him? A little bit. I mean, what is not to like? This guy is literally too perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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