Chapter 1: The Streets

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Zizzy and her sisters were walking down the street. They were looking for a place to stay, after the outbreak occurred. "I'm hungry, is there anywhere we can get something to eat?" Zuzy said, as she rubbed her stomach.
"It doesn't look like there's a store around here, but if we run into one I'll definitely get you guys something to eat." She said.
"I miss mom and dad, and Zack." Zee said.
"I do too, but we had to leave. Did you want to turn into monsters like them?" Zizzy asked.
"No, they're scary." Zee said.
"LOOK OUT!" Zizzy shouted, as she stepped in front of her sister. Zizzy stepped to the side as the infected tried to scratch her. She ducked and used her fencing sword to stab it.
"Make sure you guys tell me if you see an infected, I don't want you to get hurt." She assured them.
They walked from street to street, running into more infected the more further they went. Zizzy couldn't afford to let her sisters become infected, she had already lost her loved ones. She didn't even believe there were anyone out there who could save them, she was hopeless.
She dropped down to the floor, and her sisters turned back to look at her.
"Are you okay Zizzy?" Zee asked.
"Yeah, I'm just a bit tired, that's all."
"Me too." Zuzy said.
"It's getting dark, we should probably sleep by one of these bushes."
"It's scary sleeping outside though!"
"I know, but I'm doing all I can, and I want to make sure you guys are safe."
They hid behind one of the tall hedges, and sat down.
"Here, take this grass." Zizzy gave a handful of grass to each of her sisters, and kept one for herself. They ate their grass, and put their heads on Zizzy's lap.
"Goodnight, Zee and Zuzy."
"Goodnight, Zizzy!" They both said.

Zizzy woke up, feeling a pain in her neck. Her sisters were still sleeping, so she took off her hat and placed it on the ground as a pillow for them. She got up and walked over to the lake just beside where her sisters were sleeping.
'Why did this have to happen? This is too stressful. Why can't I be back home with mom and dad, and hear Zack screaming from his room? Why couldn't I be on the phone with mousy, talking about how I love fencing?' She thought to herself, as tears slowly rolled down her eyes.
"Z-Zizzy?" Said a voice behind her. Zizzy turned to she Zuzy rubbing her eyes while looking at Zizzy.
"Good morning!" She said as she wiped her eyes with her sleeves. She got up and they walked over to Zee.
"Zee, wake up!" Zizzy said, shaking her sister.
"Hmm?" Zee mumbled.
"Wake up! We've got to get going!" Zizzy said.
Zee slowly got onto her feet, and held Zizzy's hand.
"Zizzy turned behind her, only to see Zuzy was gone.
"Zuzy?" She shouted, but there was no answer.
"Stay here." She said to Zee.
She jumped over the hedge and her eyes were everywhere. She turned to her right, and saw Zuzy enter a house. She ran to the front door and opened it, making a creaking sound. Zuzy was sat next to a woman, that's eyes were flashing with red.
"G-go to the city, and meet Mimi and Giraffy in the safehouse, there you'll be safe." The lion said.
"What do you mean?" Zizzy asked.
"And don't trust the si.." before the lion woman could finish her sentence, her eyes had turned fully red.
"Zuzy, get behind me!" Zizzy commanded.
Zuzy ran behind Zizzy, with her hands on her waist. Zizzy had her sword in front of the lions face. The woman slowly got up, and threw her hand towards Zizzy. She blocked it with her sword, and stabbed the woman three times.
She could hear Zuzy screaming, so she cover her eyes with her free hand. The woman collapsed on the floor.
"Are you ok? Don't run leave my sight, you got it? You can get hurt, and I don't want that to happen, understand?" Zizzy said, holding Zuzy's shoulders.
"Yeah, ok." Zuzy said.
Zizzy thought for a second. What did the woman mean? The safehouse? Who are Mimi and Giraffy? So many questions filled her head.
She had to go to the city. If the woman was so desperate to tell her, obviously it was important.
Zizzy and Zuzy walked over to the hedge. Zizzy lifted Zuzy up and she hopped over the hedge. Zizzy did the same.
"Listen, do you guys want to go to the city?"
"Yeah! Yeah! We love the city!" The twins said.
"That means we need to do more walking, but after that we will be safe, ok?"
"Good, do you guys wanna do anything while we go?"
"Can we sing?"
"Sure! What song?"
"Uh.. Angel!"

Once they got over the hedge, they started to walk north, towards the city.
"Once upon a time, there was an angel," Zizzy said.
"She did shine, she did shine, and she didn't shine." The twins said.
"Somehow she got herself tangled,"
"In his heart, and in his mind."
"She laid down her wings and her apron,"
"To the ground, to the ground, to the ground."
"With every moment they were taken,"
"Feeling fine, feeling fine, feeling fine."
"Dear heart, dear soul,"
"Dear memories, please remember me!"
"Made of light, fill the sky!"
"I'm flying free,ee!"
"With the writing on the walls of the sky,"
"There are thousands of reasons why."
"But they tangled her glow like a line,"
"And her heart knew it was time."
"With the writing on the walls of the sky,"
"There are thousands of reasons why."
"But they tangled her glow like a line,"
"And her heart knew it was time, knew it was time."

Thanks for reading chapter 1!
Please forgive me if I missed some of the lyrics to that song, and if you haven't heard it, I recommend you do!
It's called Angel by Emma Duncan.
This story is based off a game on Roblox, named piggy, though it might have some bits that I add to it.
The main character is Zizzy, and in the game we only see the player's POV, so this time we are doing Zizzy POV, mixed with others.
1075 words!

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