Chapter 2.

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Y/n POV:

Diego, Manny and I were climbing up an icy and snowy path. When we got up we saw Sid standing on the edge and heard him counting quickly.

"Sid! What are you doing? Get down from there." Manny said with a loud voice and Sid in turn turned to us.

"No way. I'm gonna be the first to jump off the Eviscerator, and then you guys are gonna have to start showing me some respect." Sid said.

"You jump off this, the only respect you're gonna get is respect for the dead." Manny said back.

"Sid, come on! I don't know what those two idiots said to you but I respect you, isn't that enough?" I said and Sid stubbornly just crossed his arms and was silent.

"Come on, Y/n, Manny, he's not that stupid." Diego said a little sarcastically. Then Sid, in turn, stepped more to the edge and was ready to jump.

"Are you sure, Diego..." I asked quietly and a little scared.

"But I've been wrong before." Diego said and Sid jumped.

"Geronimo!... Oh!" Sid shouted and jumped down but luckily Manny got up and caught him. Then he threw Sid behind him but slipped himself. Both of them slide down at a rapid pace.

"Hey, watch it!" Diego shouted and pushed me out of the way so he himself still got in the way. Manny and Sid pushed Diego farther into the ice.

"Wh-Wh-Whoa..." I heard Diego mutter as he slid along the ice and finally fell on his stomach.

"Diego! Are you okay?!" I shouted worriedly at him as I got up.

"Y-Yes, Y/n! I'm okay." Diego shouted back. At the same time, I heard Sid mutter something and when I looked at him, I saw that he had been left under Manny.

"I can't breathe... I think I just coughed up my spleen." Sid muttered as he crawled under Manny and Manny in turn got up. Then they came to me.

"You okay?" Manny asked me and I nodded.

"Yes." I answered and then we all turned to look at Diego. He too got up and looked at us. Then we heard how the ice started to crack.

"D-Diego?! Run!" I shouted at him and saw how the ice around him started to crack.

And before I knew it, the ice beneath him collapsed and Diego ran to us as fast as he could. Then when he was close enough to us he jumped in the air and... landed directly on Manny's face.

"Uh, Diego?" Manny asked and knocked on his back with his trunk while Diego was breathless on his face.

"Retract the claws, please." Manny continued.

"Oh. Rihgt. Sorry." Diego said and removed his claws from Manny's face and jumped down. And when he was back on the ground, I hurried to him.

"Diego? Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?" I asked and looked at him and luckily I didn't see anything different.

"Yes, Y/n, I'm okay. Don't worry." Diego said and put his forehead against my forehead and gave me a comforting smile. And all that ended as Sid walked over to us and we both turned to look at him.

"You know, if I didn't know you better Diego, I'd think you were afraid of the water." Sid pointed out with laugh. And this, of course, made our little hot shot angry and Diego quickly grabbed Sid's neck with his paw and started strangling him with one paw.

"Okay, okay, good thing I know you better." Sidin's squeaky voice said but Diego still couldn't let go of him.

"Diego..." I said in a warning tone and he let go.

[Ice Age] Diego x Reader Book 2.Where stories live. Discover now