Chapter Eighteen: You Will Be Found

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"y/n. Are you awake?"

Me: Bitch, the fuck you want?

DM: Damn. My bad.

Me: Oh, sorry. Morning.

DM: Morning asshole.

Me: Fuck you.

DM: As you wish...

Me: NO.

DM: I was joking y/n.

Me: I know, but still.

DM: So, my mother is downstairs at the table and she has a trunk full of clothes for you. She also has your broom, your wand, and a bag that has shoes and toiletries in it.

Me: Wait, why?

DM: You have to go make Potter fall in love with you.

Me: Fuuuck.

DM: Yeah. I advise you to get ready and go.

Me: Draco, I'm going to miss you.

DM: I'm going to miss you too. My mother will explain that there are rules you must follow. If you do not follow them, you'll die. Don't die. I still have to marry you when we turn eighteen, remember?

Me: You don't have to marry me. That's your personal goal.

DM: It's my only goal.

I get off of the bed and he pulls me into a tight hug. He kisses my head repeatedly and whispers, "It's alright. I won't let anything happen to you." 

 I pull out of the hug, grab clothes from the wardrobe, and get dressed in his bathroom.

I put on the clothes which are muddied and ripped jeans, a ripped black long sleeve t-shirt, and leather shoes that are torn up and aged. This'll really add to the, "I've been alone in the wild for sooo long" look.

 I brush my hair and teeth, then leave the bathroom. 

DM: Uhh...That's an interesting outfit.

Me: I have to look like I've been dying for a year. I'm already down to the bone so I'd say I pulled it off.

DM: You look so fragile like someone could just snap you in half.

Me: Great. That's what I was going for. It makes the story more believable. 

DM: I love you y/n.

Me: I know, Draco.

DM: Goodbye. I'll see you soon, hopefully.

Me: Don't get your hopes up Malfoy.

He kisses my forehead and sends me downstairs.

NM: y/n. Come here.

I walk over to Mrs Malfoy who indeed has a trunk, a bag, my broom, and my wand. She hands me them. 

NM: There are a few rules you must follow while you are out. One, you must not tell anyone you are a death eater. Two, you must always find a way to cover your mark. Three, you can't say anything about being here or The Dark Lord. Four, you must make the Potter boy fall in love with you. Five, you cannot send owls to anyone, at all.

Me: Understood. I have one question, where is Scream?

NM: I have no idea. It flew off when you were first brought here and hasn't come back.

Me: Wonderful. Thank you.

NM: Find the boy, make him fall in love with you, get information, report back.

The End of the Beginning (Draco Malfoy x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now