Chapter Forty: The Garden

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"Are you going to ask her to Yule?"

Teddy turns around to see Nico jumping on his bed.


"Come on. You know who."

TL: No. No, I'm not going to ask her.

NMW: Come on Teddy. You can't go alone again.

TL: Who says?

NMW: Did you dance with anyone last year?

TL: Yea—

NMW: Nodding your head in the corner with Taurus Tugwood for five minutes doesn't count.

TL: Than no, I didn't.

NMW: It's December 2nd, you have twenty-two days to get a date.

TL: Nico—

NMW: No. Get a ate. I'm not dancing in the corner with you.

TL: Fine. I'll ask someone.

NMW: Ask her.

TL: Nico. Stop.

They walk down to the common room and sit at a small table. Aurora Macmillan walks into the room with a watering can in her left hand. She walks over and waters the small bonsai tree on their table. Nico winks at Teddy who shakes his head.

TL: Hey Aurora.

AM: Hi. 

She begins to walk away to water the other plants.

TL: Wait.

She turns around and stops.

TL: Sit. Please.

He pulls out the seat next to him and she sits, tucking a bit of hair behind her ear. 

AM: Did I do something wrong?

TL: Wha--no of course not. I just wanted to ask you something.

She blushes.

AM: What's up?

TL: Do you--uh--damn it--doyouwannagotoyulewithme?

AM: Pardon?

TL: Want to go to Yule with me?

AM: Seriously?

TL: It's okay if you say no.

AM: No. I mean yes, I want to go with you. 

TL: Really?

AM: You don't seem so confident in my response. I said yes, silly.

TL: Great. I'm so excited.

AM: Me too. I'll go dress shopping with the girls later.

TL: That sounds wonderful. Want to meet me here later?

AM: Midnight?

TL: Sure. Quick question, what are you doing in the Hufflepuff common room? You're a Gryffindor.

AM: Oh, yeah, Ophelia asked me to water the plants for her since she's in the hospital wing. 

NMW: What happened?

AM: She sprained her wrist cause she fell down the stairs. 

NMW: That's not good. Why couldn't she just get a Hufflepuff to do it?

TL: Nico, Aurora is Ophelia's best friend. Chill.

AM: Should I go?

TL: Probably. I'll meet you back here later, okay?

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