Chapter Four: Pinky Promise

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I haven't been late again since the polaroid accident but I still spend every waking minute with Malfoy. He's changed, for the better. He's a new person. This weekend we get to visit Hogsmeade and I LOVE Hogsmeade. I honestly cannot wait to go to all the shops and The Three Broomsticks. I'm sitting by the fire in the common room catching up on some Astrology homework. Malfoy walks over to me with an inkwell and a quill.
DM: You looked low on these.
Me: You can't really get low on a quill Malfoy.
DM: You're right. What homework are you doing?
Me: Astrology
DM: blegh. I hate Astrology. It's too late at night.
Me: "Too early in the morning." I correct him.
DM: Don't correct me.
Me: You were wrong.
DM: I'm not always going to be right. I'm not Granger.
Me: Ulgh. I hate Granger.
DM: That's why I said that.
Me: fuck you.
DM: "You wish." He winks at me and plants a kiss on my forehead.
Me: "All I have to do is ask." I say with a wink.
DM: "I mean..." He says, pushing hair behind my ear, "You're not wrong." He brushes my cheek with his thumb.
Me: Ew. Malfoy. Gross.
DM: What?
Me: We're only 16.
DM: Seriously. How old was Blaise when he and Pansy... you know...?
Me: Uh.... like... 15?
DM: yup. 15. Kinda young.
Me: And 16 isn't?
DM: "If it is to you, then yes. I'll wait however long it takes, love." He's never called me love before. Ever. I grab his face and kiss him. Hard. He pulls away. "Woah. Slow down or you'll hyperventilate." He laughs and so do I. "Want to finish your homework in my room?" My stomach fills with butterflies.
Me: "I'm not allowed to go over there." He gathers up all my papers and supplies and shoves them into my bag. He puts my bag onto my shoulder and grabs my hand. I lock eyes with him. God his eyes are beautiful. Icy blue with flakes of silver and green piercing my soul. I feel myself blushing. He makes a pouty face.
DM: Please?
Me: I don't have much of a choice now.
DM: That's not a yes. I need yes.
Me: "Of course I will but if I get in trouble Malfoy," I get in his face and point my finger at him. He pushes my finger out of the way and kisses me. "Yeah. Ok. I'll do that."
DM: "Good. Now let's go." He pulls me to his dorm. "Come on, hurry up. You're so slow." I smile.
Me: "Stop it, I'm slow. You know that." He laughs. He opens the door and realizes Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise are in the room.
DM: "Shit. I didn't know they'd be here." He closes the door.
Me: "I mean it is their dorm too." He nods.
DM: "Well, yeah. I guess I wasn't really thinking." The door opens behind him. Blaise is standing in the doorway.
Blaise: "Why hello you two. Care to come in?"
Me: "Yes. We were just about to." I grab Malfoy's hand and lead him into the room.
Crabbe: We were just playing a game of exploding snaps. Care to join?
Me: "Hell yeah. Come on Draco." Goyle gasps when I say this. "What?"
Goyle: "No one calls him that. It's not allowed. He said so himself."
Me: "I'm his girlfriend. I'll call him what I want." Blaise coughs something that sounds like 'Daddy Draco.'
Me: "Thanks for the idea, Blaise. I quite like that one." I say as I roll my eyes. I look over and Malfoy is blushing like a strawberry.
Blaise: I.....I wasn't...
Me: Shut up.
Blaise: ok.
Me: Damn. I thought that only worked on Malfoy.
Blaise: Malfoy, you Y/L/N's bitch?
Me: "I didn't say you could talk Zabini." He calls me a bitch under his breath. "Yessir. I am." He rolls his eyes.
DM: "Do you really want to play snaps?" He gives me a look.
Me: "No." I give him a different look. One of those I want to kiss you right now looks.
DM: Ok. Boys, get out.
Blaise: "No. We're not leaving so you can "do" your hoe." Hoe? I feel tears form in the corners of my eyes. Malfoy notices gets up and punches Zabini in the nose. It begins to bleed. "She's not a hoe and I wasn't planning on "doing" her. I just wanted to spend some quality time with my girlfriend." Blaise punches Malfoy back. I scream. Draco puts his hand over his cheek and I can see the rage in his eyes. My tears threaten to fall. I run across the room and push him out of the way. I gather up all my strength and slap Blaise across the face. He gives out a yelp and I kick him in the balls. He crumbles to the floor. Tears flood out of my eyes like a raging river after a rainstorm.
Me: "Get the fuck out! Now!" Crabbe and Goyle help him off the floor and lead him out of the room. "Lock the damn door behind you!" Goyle locks the door. Malfoy sits on his bed and mutters.
DM: Fuckin Blaise. That ass. I'm gonna kill him. I am.
Me: "Hey. Thanks for defending me." I say through sniffs and tears.
DM: "What about you?" He punches my shoulder playfully, "You hurt him more than I did. That was badass."
Me: "Thank you, sir." I gasp for breath as another wave of tears hits.
DM: "It's alright darling, come here."
He pulls me onto his lap.
DM: "You're gorgeous. Don't let Blaise get to you." Be wipes the tears off of my cheeks.
Me: He's an ass. I don't understand his problem.
DM: "I don't either, love."
Me: Are you alright?
DM: "I will be. Going to be a wicked bruise though." He laughs. "You fucked Blaise up." He sighs. I hug him as tightly as I can and he returns the hug. I feel more tears coming so I sob. I sob so hard. For Draco, for myself, for Blaise, even though I shouldn't. Malfoy rubs my head and repeats, "Shh. Shh. It's alright."  I look up into his eyes. I notice tears are streaming down his cheeks as well. I kiss him.
DM: "You're mine. Pinky promise?" He kisses me again, this time more passionately. I pull away.
Me: "Pinky promise." He stands up with me still in his arms and pulls out his wand. The lights go out and I feel him throw the wand across the room. He walks me over to his bed and pushes me into the mattress. He kisses me with so much force I can't breathe.
***Cue Super Freak by Rick James***
One intense make-out session lesson later...
I wake up snuggled into Draco's chest. I check the time. 10. Two hours until Astrology and then it's the weekend. I hear a knock on the door. I get up careful not to wake Draco. He looks peaceful, he almost never looks like that. I open the door. It's the boys.
Me: "Be quiet and come in. Don't turn the light on. Draco's asleep." I turn to Blaise, "Unless you want me to kill you, I suggest you apologize to Draco when he wakes up and to me now." He looks me up and down and rolls his eyes. I pull my wand out and put it to his throat.
Blaise: God! I'm sorry! I swear! Please don't hurt me!
Me: "I said be quiet," I remove my wand from his throat, "Come in, but as I said, shut up idiots." The boys walk into the room and put their books down. I walk back to Draco's bed. He opens his eyes and strokes my cheek.
DM: "Why are you up, love? It's not time for Astrology yet."
Me: "The boys knocked at the door." I said motioning towards them.
DM: Did Blaise apologize? I'll kill him if he didn't, Y/N.
Me: "He did," I turn to face Blaise across the room, "Blaise! What did I tell you?" Blaise looks up and faces Malfoy.
Blaise: I'm sorry, mate. I didn't mean it. Your girl's not a hoe and I'm glad you're with her. I'm sorry if I hurt you.
DM: "Do it again and I'll kill you. I mean it, Zabini." Blaise picks up his pajamas and walks into the bathroom. Malfoy laughs, "I can't even begin to tell you how much I hate him." I put my robes back on and Draco slips on a sweater under his robes. He puts his books into a bag with his quill and ink. At that exact moment, Blaise walks out of the bathroom. "Oi! Crabby! Pass me my underwear mate!" He must've forgotten I was here because he walked out naked. I laugh. "Crabby" throws him the knickers and I laugh even more. Blaise then realizes I am still there. He covers himself, "Shit! I thought you guys left!" Draco starts laughing so hard he turns red.
Blaise: Shut up Malfoy! I'll kill you! Stop it!
Me: "Tough talk for a guy with a small cock Zabini!" Crabbe starts laughing too. "Yeah laugh it off Crabby." I laugh but Crabbe stops. Draco puts his bag on his shoulder and grabs my hand. I open the door and we walk out of the dorm. He gives me a high five.
DM: "That was hilarious." He laughs and almost trips in the middle of the hallway.
Me: Dummy.
DM: "Thank you, ma'am. Piggyback?"
Me: OOOO Yes! To my dorm please!"
DM: "Your wish is my command." He pulls me onto his back and runs over through the main common room to the girl's dorms. He almost runs into Pansy.
Pansy: "Watch it! Ugh, it's you two." I tell Draco to stop. He stops. I face Pansy and give her a scoff.
Me: "At least my boyfriend is more than 4 inches." She gasps and Draco continues running to my dormitory. He laughs the whole way. We reach my door and I tap his shoulder. "This one's mine."
DM: None of your dorm mates are going to be here right?
Me: "What dorm mates?" He looks at me questioningly. "I don't share my room with anyone Draco."
DM: How'd you manage that?
Me: Snape's my godfather and the head of Slytherin. I just asked for my own room when I first got here and he got me one.
DM: "Damn, girl. Let's see it then." I open the door and he lets out a soft gasp. My king-sized, four-poster bed is pushed up against the left wall and a bookcase covers the entire right wall. It's the size of a small apartment here.
DM: "Wish you would've told me about this before. Damn. It's gorgeous in here." He sets his bag down on my small table by the window. I close the curtains and place my bag next to his. 10:45. I turn my lights on and make them red.
DM: "Oh? I know what red lights mean," he says with a wink. I laugh.
Me: Yeah. Homework. I didn't finish my Astrology work earlier because you wanted to make out remember?
DM: "Oh. Yeah, I remember. Round two?" He says hopefully.
Me: Maybe when I finish. I have to get this done by the time we go to class.
DM: "That's not for a whole hour and a half." He says pouting.
Me: It shouldn't take long. I swear.
DM: Fine. But you're sitting in my lap.
Me: "Fine." He sits down on a chair by my table and I do as promised. "OK, so if Mars is in line with Neptune, what constellations are present?"
DM: "The hell if I know Y/N." He says with a laugh.
Me: "Yeah forget it." I enchant my quill to fill in the correct answers for me. "There. All done."
DM: "Yay. Kissy time." 11:15. I laugh.
Me: Draco. Come on, we could be doing anything and you want to make out?"
DM: I'm a 16-year-old male. Yes. I do.
Me: "We're going to the tree." I grab his hand and put my bag on his shoulder. He pulls his bag onto his shoulder.
DM: "Ok. Let's go to the tree."
Draco takes my bag and his own and places them at the base of the tree. He helps me climb onto a branch and he sits next to me. I grab his hand.
DM: I like the tree.
Me: Yeah, me too. Remember our first kiss here?
DM: Of course. My first kiss ever.
Me: Same. We were 13.
DM: All you said was, "I'm so mad that Pansy kissed Blaise. I've never been kissed and it sucks because it seems like everyone else has," You pouted and what did I say?
Me: "You said, 'Neither have I. I'm not much of a lover but if you want a kiss, I'll give you one.' And then you kissed me.
DM: "I did. Just like this," He leans in awkwardly and pecks my lips.
Me: Yeah. Just like that, but you've improved. A lot.
DM: I'd hope so, that was the most awkward thing ever, but I liked it.
Me: "Me too. I..." I check the time. 11:45, "Shit! We need to go to Astrology! We're gonna be late!" He jumps out of the tree and motions for me too as well. "You're an idiot if you think I'm going to jump."
DM: I'll catch you.
Me: "Pinky promise?" I say sticking out my pinky. He sticks out his pinky from the base of the tree.
DM: "Pinky promise." I jump out of the tree and he catches me but falls backward.
Me: "You ok?" I say kissing him on the cheek.
DM: "Yeah. Actually great. My girlfriend just landed on top of me and then kissed me, so I'd say that's good." He plants a loving kiss on my forehead.
Me: "Yeah, ok." He grabs my hand and we run up to the East Tower to Astrology.

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