Start from the beginning

"Well, You guys wanna watch this horror movie?" Samu asked, looking around. Suna merely nodded. "I mean sure but Atsumu doesn't like-" Sakusa was interrupted by his boyfriend entering the living room with a bucket of popcorn. "Sure! If samu wants to then why not?" Atsumu smiled. Sakusa raised his eyebrows and whispered something to Atsumu after he sat down beside him. "Babe, are you sure? Last time we watched a horror movie you-" Atsumu hushed his boyfriend and reassured him that he would be fine. Sakusa sighed and nodded. "I'm starting the movie now." Samu announced as he pressed play and gestured to Atsumu to give him some popcorn.

~After the Movie~

Atsumu was shaking. Clenching onto Sakusa's arm like it was his lifeline. "Are you okay Atsu?" Sakusa asked his shaking boyfriend. "Y-yeah..Just a little- spooked??" He nervously laughed and stood up, walking to the bathroom with Osamu following. "I'm gonna go comfort him, can you guys fix these up?" He asked the two as he walked into the bathroom with Atsumu, probably to comfort him like he said. (Lmao yeah right)

Suna and Sakusa exchanged glances before starting to fix up just as Osamu had said. Suna was the first to break up the silence. "Have you noticed how they haven't been...fighting?" Suna whispered enough so that only Sakusa could hear and hopefully not the twins. Sakusa merely hummed as he finished fixing up the table and sprayed alcohol on his hands. "It's..weird." Suna shivered. "Can't disagree with that." Sakusa admitted. The two shrugged it off and thought that maybe it would be nice hanging out with the two brothers without everything turning into a screaming fest.

"Hey we're back." Osamu waved as he and Atsumu emerged from the bathroom, Atsumu looking like he was sick. "Yeah..I kinda threw up..? I'll just sit down for a while..." Atsumu said weakly as he sat beside his brother and leaned his head against his shoulder. Osamu moved so that they were both more comfortable. Both Suna and Sakusa ignored this, conversing with Osamu instead. Whispering so they don't wake the now sleeping setter.

~After an hour~

Osamu had fallen asleep somewhere between the conversation and was now leaning his head against his brother's. Both Suna and Sakusa were a little surprised, nonetheless, Suna managed to snap a photo to add to his blackmail collection. "Get a blanket." Suna ordered Sakusa as the latter grabbed a nearby blanket and handed it to Suna, the middle blocker putting it gently over the two twins. "Peace and quiet.." Sakusa let this moment of silence sink it for him to reminisce in later when the twins have a screaming fest, probably. Suna stretched and sat on the floor, pulling out his phone. Sakusa did the same and neither of them talked. Keeping the comfortable silence around them.

~After 2 hours~

The twins had woken up and were now cooking food for their guests. Sakusa being a bit hesitant with Atsumu's offer to cook, reluctantly agreeing when Atsumu said that Sakusa would have to touch the germ covered dishes if he did cook. Suna and Sakusa entrusted that the kitchen wouldn't burn down. It wouldn't, right?


"OKAY THAT'S IT I CANNOT TAKE ANOTHER SECOND OF BEING NICE TO YOU-" Was what they heard after a good 30 minutes of the twins 'cooking', it was almost obvious that the voice belonged to Osamu. "OH FUCK OFF SAMU. IT'S JUST A BURN YOU BABY-" They heard Atsumu fight back. They sighed and let the twins scream at each other once again. "At least they're..normal?" Suna attempted to laugh. "I liked it better when they were behaved." Sakusa scoffed. "Me too Sakusa. Me too." Suna sighed.

Yes, the twins were still screaming.

~The End~

Dare 7:

Dare 7:

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